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Steve:„no! We adopted her and then got married!"

Bucky:„how do you know?"

Steve:„i don't know...and I know that you felt from a train!"

Bucky;„yes...that's true!"

Steve:„well...I think that's everything I know right now..."

Bucky:„im gonna pick up y/n!"

After they came back, y/n started doing homework with Bucky and we ate lunch as she finished.

Y/n:„im not hungry..."

Bucky:„you will eat now!"

She shook her head no and ran upstairs.


I could eat by myself again.

He walked downstairs with her a minute later and we all started eating.

After food they started telling me storys again and I saw how y/n felt asleep on Bucky.

In the evening we ate dinner and he brought y/n upstairs.

I tried to walk around with crutches cause i got some from the hospital and to be honest I wasn't that bad at it!

As I got tired Bucky brought me upstairs again.

Bucky:„alright...goodnight steve..."

Steve:„night...wait! I have a question..."


Steve:„i saved you as thunder thighs...and you saved me as...?"

Bucky;„that is a question for another day alright?"

Steve:„oh c'mon!'


Steve;„omg! You are mean! Well...what do you want for it?"


Steve;„c'mon please!"


Steve;„hm...a very long time huh?"

Bucky:„steve I saved you as...Steve!"


Bucky:„night captain!"

Omg...did he just call me captain? A shiver ran down my spine and I chuckled.

Steve:„night sergeant!"

~bucky pov~

Sergeant...love it! I turned the light off and walked downstairs.

As I wanted to scroll trough my and Steve's photos I saw that I lost my phone.

The only room where I could leave it was Steve's room...

I ran upstairs and slowly opened the door cause i was scared that I would wake him up.

I looked at the table and even walked into the bathroom but couldn't find it.

Steve;„daddy's ass! Well...I'm happy that it's not steve!"

Bucky:„you have my phone!"

I turned the light on and walked over to him.

~steve pov~

Steve;„yeah! Looked trough the photos we have! Pretty nasty sometimes!"

Bucky:„stop it ok?"

Steve;„hey! No need to be rude! I'm still your husband!"

Bucky:„who doesn't love or know me?"

Steve;„what? Who said that?'

Bucky:„you give me the feeling! And it's-"

Steve:„hard for me ok?! I live here with strangers! But I know that I knew them 1-2 weeks ago! I don't know anything now! I am a stranger to you too! My daughter isn't talking to me! My husband talks to me like he wouldn't even know me! And all my friends I mean if I can call them friends aren't acting like friends! I-"

He ran up to me and pressed his lips against mine.

Bucky:„isn't that enough love?!"


I had tears in my eyes and he helped me to stand up.

We kissed again and he pressed me against the wall.

Steve;„wait...is the room soundproof?"

Bucky:„noone knows..."

He shoved his tongue into my mouth and I felt his hands moving away from my face.

He opened his belt.

He pushed me down on my knees and pulled his trousers down a bit.

Not over his thighs just to the part where he could pull out his huge dick.


He chuckled and took me by my hair.

He started fucking into me and I drooled all over the floor and his shoes.

He went so fast that my eyes rolled back and I felt a bit dizzy.

Bucky:„you ready baby?"

I couldn't even answer and felt him coming inside me.

I swallowed everything and he pulled out.

Bucky;„good boy!"

I was out of breath and leaned my head against his thigh.

Oh god...his thighs...they were so awesome!

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