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Tony:„what? No! Hey...the doctor said maybe in a week!"


I started crying more and buddy started licking my with tears streaked face.

Y/n:„he didn't recognise me..."

Tony:„hey...what if you-"

Y/n:„i miss him..."

Nat:„come here...drink something!"

Dad didn't open the door and stayed in his room the whole day.

I couldn't fell asleep without him or daddy...so I sat down in front of his door and waited until the next day where he opened the door at 11 am.

Noone drove me to school cause they knew that it wasn't a good idea to send me to school now.


His eyes were red and swollen and his nose was red like his cheeks.

He picked me up and pressed me against his chest.

Y/n:„i missed you..."

Bucky;„i missed you too...you know...it's just hard to loose his best friend and love of his life..."

I hugged him tighter and he started crying so much...I never saw him like that before...

After a while he calmed down and let me out.

Bucky:„sorry baby...I just-"

Y/n:„it's ok...it's hard for me too...just next time open the door please..."

Bucky;„i will..."

He hugged me again and we walked downstairs.

Nat:„hey Barnes...wanna eat something?"

Bucky:„no thanks...I wanted to make food for y/n!"

Y/n:„you will eat too! You hadn't eaten since yesterday!"

Bucky:„who is the Boss right now?"

He chuckled trough his tears and I smiled.

Y/n:„please eat something?"

Bucky:„i will eat later ok? Im just not hungry yet!"

He gave me food and I started eating.

The whole day we were just cuddling, looking trough some photos again and talking.

~10 pm~

Tony came home with pepper and saw me with Bucky on the couch.

Tony;„barnes! Shouldn't she be asleep?"

Bucky:„what time is it?"

Tony:„10 pm! C'mon peach let's get you to bed!"

He picked me up and put me to bed.

Y/n;„wait! Dad hadn't eaten anything!"

Tony;„i will take care of it! Ok? Lay down and go to sleep! Goodnight love you!"

He kissed my forehead and walked out.

~bucky pov~

I wanted to walk upstairs but tony pushed me back.

Tony:„hey hey hey! Stay here!"


Tony:„you are gonna eat now!'

Bucky:„no! Why should I?!"

Tony:„your daughter is scared! The only thing she's thinking about at 10 PM! is if you ate something today! And I promised her that you will eat!"

Bucky:„no it's late!"

Tony;„you forgot the time! If i wouldn't come home and tell you then you wouldn't even know the time!"

Bucky;„im gonna eat tomorrow!"

Nat;„bucky you're gonna eat now! You promised y/n-"

Bucky:„i fucking don't care what I promised alright?!"

I wanted to go upstairs but tony took me by my arms, sat me down on the chair and put a rope around my body.

Bucky:„LET ME GO!"

Tony:„shhh! Y/n felt asleep!"

Natasha came up to me with food and they started feeding me.

Tony:„i know it's hard because of Steve! But y/n must go trough it too! And I'm sure that she doesn't wanna have you in the hospital next!"

I started crying and after I ate the whole plate they let me go.

Nat:„we are doing this just for you and y/n!"

Bucky:„he wanted to go to Greece..."


Bucky:„he wanted to do a summer trip..."

Tony:„he needs to see Steve..."

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