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Steve ran after her and I started listening to their conversation while making the puzzle.

Steve:„princess! Stop! Come back!"


Steve:„come on the puzzle!"


Steve:„you were doing a puzzle with dad!"

Y/n:„oh yeah!"

She ran downstairs and laid down on my back.

Y/n:„did i do that?'

Bucky:„yes and now finish it!"

~11 am~

She was halfway done until buddy ran up to her cause tony took him out for a walk.


Bucky:„no no no! You are gonna finish this puzzle doll!'

Y/n:„no! I don't want to!'

Buddy ran up to her and ruined her puzzle.

She didn't care about it and started playing with him.

Nat:„well...you can forget her doing the puzzle!"

Steve:„today she isn't anxious as always but she has the ADHD day...I'm super tired of it!"

Nat:„i believe you!"

Steve:„i think she cried about 3 times today!"

Nat:„oh yeah! Because of the shape! Then because she didn't want to make the puzzle and then the last time for now but she hadn't had a reason!"

I rolled to the other side of the carpet and put my hands on my face.

Bucky:„doll please- where is y/n?"


Bucky:„doll where are you?'

We started searching after her but couldn't find her.

As I walked into the garden I saw her with buddy running around.

Bucky:„y/n go back now!"

I got a little bit angry cause i was scared so she walked inside.

As I walked inside too she wanted to run outside again.

Bucky:„where do you think you're going?"

Y/n:„out! You went too!"

Bucky:„cause I told you to go back inside!'

Y/n:„oh! Ok..."

She started running around.

Bucky:„you think i can give her another pill?"

Rhodey:„sure! Give her all of them! She should just go to sleep or chill out!"

Thor:„no one asked you Rhodey!"

Steve:„yes darling give her another one!"

Tony:„are you sure she swallowed the first pill?"

Bucky;„i mean...I gave her the pill but I am not sure if she swallowed it!"

Y/n ran around us and then upstairs where we heard a loud bang some seconds later.


As we walked upstairs we saw her sitting on the floor with a bleeding knee and the picture of Tony and his mother on the floor broken.

Tony:„no not this picture!"

Y/n;„im sorry..."

Steve:„look at your knee! What happend?"

Y/n:„i ran into the wall..."

Bucky:„im gonna take care of your knee!"

Steve:„i will help you with your picture tony!"

I sat y/n down on my lap and put some alcohol on the wound.

She started crying and grabbed after my shirt again.

Bucky:„i know it burns but that will clean up the wound!"

I started wiping her tears away but she kept crying.

Bucky:„shhhh it will be ok..."

I put a bandage on it and gave her a pill.

Steve:„his picture is ok now!"

Bucky;„another hour and then she will stop with the jumping and running!"

Steve put his head on my shoulder and we watched y/n running around.

Peter:„hey guys I'm back!"

Tony:„its just 12 pm?"

Peter:„yeah...about that! They closed school for today!"


She jumped into his arms and he picked her up.

Peter:„hey baby!"

Steve:„sorry Peter she has her ADHD day!"

Peter:„should I take you out for a little swing round?"



Peter:„c'mon please!"

Bucky:„no! You can swing inside but not outside!"

Peter put his suit on and started swinging around.

~1 pm~

We started eating but y/n couldn't keep the chair still.

Steve:„y/n stop it!'

Y/n:„i don't want to eat!"

She stood up and ran upstairs.

Bucky;„y/n! Come back!"

I ran after her and put her back downstairs but sat her down on my lap while feeding her.

After food she stopped running around and felt asleep on my chest.

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