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We went home after y/n finally stopped screaming and crying.

Bucky:„do you think that everything is ok?"

Steve:„sure! Like the doctor said!'

Bucky:„i don't trust them..."

Steve saw how I got nervous so he grabbed after my hand and kissed me.

Bucky:„look at the road!"

He pulled away and started concentrating at driving.

He was still holding my hand and after some minutes we arrived at the compound.

Tony:„what happened?"

Steve told them everything while  I helped Wanda with food.

~6 pm~

Bucky:„ughhh could you stop reading this dumb book and do something fun with us?"

Steve:„no buck I wanna read now!"


I started annoying him and Steve got really angry...

He ignored me and said I should fuck off, so I walked to the others and ignored him too.

~8 pm~

My phone started buzzing and I saw that the doctor called me.


Doctor:„y/n can't stop crying! We tried everything and we wanted to ask if someone would like to come over and stay here..."

Bucky:„sure! I will be there in 30 minutes!"

I hang up and walked to the car.

Steve:„bucky where are you going?"

I drove off and saw that Steve was calling me so I turned my phone off.

As I wanted to look back at the road something crashed into the car and I felt a sharp pain.

~steve pov~

I couldn't call Bucky so I was watching TV with the others.

Natasha:„guys! The news!"

I put my book aside which I was reading cause I don't like these movies Natasha wants to watch.

As I looked at the TV I saw a car...it looked like my car...

Steve:„omg-is that?"

As they showed the car up close, i was sure it was mine.


I ran to the garage and drove away with my motorcycle cause I wanted to make sure if Bucky is alright.

As I arrived they tried to push me away but somehow I managed to ran over to Bucky.


He was breathing heavily, shivering and bleeding.

Steve:„somebody help him please!"

I started crying and tried to open the door.


Steve:„shhh I'm gonna get you out of it!"

Bucky:„go away..."

Steve:„im not leaving you!"

Then I saw that he had an Metall rod in his arm and leg.

He was in so much pain so I fastly opened the door and pulled him out.

Steve:„breathe...i uhm im gonna get help!"

The doctor's ran up to him while I didn't left his side.

Doctor:„mr, we are sorry but you must go now! We must go to the hospital! So please let him out!"

Steve:„no! Please let me go with him!"

Doctor:„we don't take friends with us!"

Steve:„im his husband!"

I felt how Bucky took my hand and they let me go with them.

Bucky felt unconscious and as we arrived they brought him into the surgery hall.

It was the same hospital where y/n was so I visited her.

Doctor:„we heard what happened..."

I ignored him and walked to y/n.

She saw that I was crying so she hugged me.

Y/n:„what happened daddy?"

Steve:„nothing sweetheart...don't worry..."

Y/n:„where is dad?"

Steve:„at home...he was tired..."

She felt asleep in my arms and I saw that the others were calling me the whole time.

~text message~

Natasha:„steve where are you? We are worried c'mon! Come back! We can talk..."

I ignored her and as I saw that y/n felt asleep I walked out and wanted to look after Bucky but he was still in the surgery hall so I sat down on a chair next to the door.

I was completely alone there.

~30 minutes later~

I was crying and couldn't stop then suddenly Natasha ran up to me.

Nat:„rogers! There you are! We were worried!"

She hugged me and I started crying more.

Nat:„its ok..."

Sam had tears in his eyes too and put his arm around me.

Sam:„it's ok Steve..."

Tony:„i know this isn't what I would say or my style to talk like that but...it's ok to cry just let it out we are here for you! We are a big family...you know we are a super secret boy band!"

I chuckled a little bit and he hugged me.

Somehow I felt asleep 10 minutes later in Sam arms.

~1 hour later~

The door flew open and I woke up.

They brought Bucky into a room.

The doctor told me what happened and that he could wake up in a few hours.

I walked into the room where Bucky was laying and the others followed me.

Steve:„its my fault..."

Nat:„hey! No! It's not...no one could know that that could have happen!"

Steve:„no I mean he drove away while we were fighting..."

I took a deep breath and tried not to cry even harder but it didn't work.

Bruce:„cap...that's not your fault!"

They all walked out and went to look after y/n while I stayed with Bucky.

Steve:„you know...I'm so sorry! I didn't mean what I said...I just said it! And I never wanted you to fuck off! You are the best...I love you!"

I gave him a kiss and felt asleep in the chair next to him.

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