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~bucky pov~

I woke up and saw Steve still sleeping.

He never slept longer than I did and when than I should leave him sleep.

Bucky:„had a long night huh?"

I put the blanket around him and walked out with my crutches.

Clint:„hey bucky!"


Clint:„where is Steve?"

Bucky:„still sleeping!"


Bucky:„yeah...I think he had a long night!"

Clint chuckled and walked away.

Y/n ran up to me and hugged me.

Bucky:„sorry doll...I can't pick you up...let's go eat breakfast!"

She ran downstairs and Natasha sat her down on the kitchen island.



Nat:„your hands...?"

Bucky:„oh yeah it's better- wait how do you know?"

Nat:„rogers told me!"

I wanted to make breakfast but she pushed me out of the kitchen.

Nat:„where is Rogers?"

Bucky:„asleep! Can i do the breakfast?"

Nat:„no! You are hurt!"

Y/n:„im hungry!"

Nat:„yeah sorry sweetie!"

I sat down on the kitchen island too and started watching her.

After we finished with breakfast I walked upstairs to look after Steve.

He was laying on the bed with a kicked off blanket.

Bucky:„oh love..."

I put the blanket over him again and gave him a kiss.


Bucky:„sorry....I didn't want to wake you up!"

Steve:„its fine...what time is it?"

Bucky:„9 am..."

Steve:„what?! Oh shit..."

He jumped up and changed into a tight black shirt and some black pants.

Bucky:„today in black?"

Steve:„yeah...does it look good?"

Bucky:„yeah! But something is missing...here!"

I gave him my black jacket and he put it on.

Steve:„thanks buck...it's perfect!"

He gave me a kiss and walked downstairs.

Steve:„sorry guys I'm a bit late!"

Tony:„yeah we heard that you were sleeping! Is everything ok?"

Steve:„yeah! Long night you know?"

Tony patted his shoulder and y/n sat down on his lap.

Tony:„rogers...I wanted to talk to you...in privat!"


I watched them going into Tony's room but stayed with y/n.

~steve pov~

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