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Nat:„you know he was just sad and well we found him on the top of the building crying...with a knife..."

Steve:„did he...?"

Nat:„no...No he didn't Clint ran up to him and brought him inside..."

Steve:„thanks guys..."

I walked upstairs and saw Bucky cuddling with one of my shirts again.

Steve:„love...time to wake up c'mon we need to talk..."


He wanted to hug me again but I grabbed his wrist and looked down at them.

Steve:„i heard what you did!"

Bucky:„who told you? Clint? Tony? Nat?"

Steve:„that doesn't matter!"

He stayed quite and looked at my hand which was holding his wrist.


He started tearing up so I pulled him into a hug.

Steve:„you won't do this ever again! Promise?"


Steve:„but why?"

Bucky:„the 3 days where you didn't call or text me...I was scared about you...I thought you were dead...I thought-"

Steve:„its ok love...really! I'm happy that you are fine!"

Bucky:„me too...I love you so much!"

He kissed me and after an minute I let go.

Steve:„and now...lets go to the doctors!"


Steve:„your leg?"

Bucky:„oh yeah...totally forgot!"

He took his crutches and walked downstairs.

Sam:„we are sorry buck..."

Bucky:„ don't call me that!"

He glared at them and walked pass them.

We walked into the garage and drove to the hospital.

Doctor:„it looks very good! We can take the plaster off and start with the first rehab! Just if you are fine with that!"


They put the plaster down and started doing some little exercises.

He must tried to move his leg and walk around a little bit.

After an hour they were done and we drove home.

Steve:„how does it feel?"

Bucky:„very good!"

I parked the car and gave him a kiss.

Bucky:„do you know how much i missed you?"

Steve:„no idea!"

He kissed me and kneeled down on his seat.

Steve:„feet off the seat!"


He crawled on the back seat, grabbed after my tie and pulled me towards him.

I fastly checked if the garage was locked and luckily it was.

You know what happened in the car and after that I was laying on top of him breathing heavily.

Bucky:„i missed you so much!"

He put a kiss on my lips and we both put our clothes back on.

Bucky:„i missed that..."


Bucky:„but not just that..."

Steve:„you didn't miss our sex? Wow...didn't knew I was so bad!"

Bucky:„of course I missed it! How couldn't I? But I missed this!"

He slapped my ass harshly and squeezed it.

I moaned and we both walked into the compound.

Tony:„and how was rehab?"

Bucky:„yeah kinda cool..."

Y/n jumped into my arms again and cuddled up with me.

~bucky pov~

I finally could walk without crutches but still wanted to have the massages from Steve so I told him that my hands were still hurting.

Buddy was laying on my bed side so I layed down on Steve's and waited for him.

He came some minutes later and chuckled.



Steve:„where does it hurt?"


He sleeved up my shirt and started massaging me.

I felt asleep and an hour later I woke up.

He wasn't in the room anymore so I walked downstairs.

He was sitting on the couch with y/n on his lap.

Steve was reading a book and y/n was playing with his shirt.

I sat down next to him and layed down on his lap.

After a while me and y/n felt asleep.

I felt how Steve stood up and put an pillow under my head.

He brought y/n into her room and after that he walked towards me, picked me up and put me to bed too.

After some minutes he layed down too and we cuddled up together.

He smelled so good...I just missed him so much!

I felt his heartbeat and felt that he felt asleep some minutes later.

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