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Steve:„no! No! Don't pout your lips!'

He pouted them more and turned his face away again.

Steve:„buck stop it!"

Bucky:„leave me alone..."

Steve:„look at me!'

He didn't so I grabbed after his hand but he snapped it away.

Steve:„look at me! Or are you too stupid, arrogant and selfish huh?"


Steve:„don't you dare scream at me James Buchanan Bucky Barnes!'

Bucky;„i am not stupid-"

Steve:„you are!"

He stood up with a grunt and looked angrily at me.

Bucky:„you are an idiot! I hate you! The only stupid-"

I slapped him and he started tearing up.

Bucky;„why...did you do this?"

He asked in a weepy voice.

Steve:„cause you can't fucking behave James!"

Tears started running down his cheeks and he whined, stroking over his cheek lightly.

I left the room and walked downstairs.

Steve:„great...now both of them are pissed on me..."

Nat:„we heard the fight! And to be honest I think you should apologize!"

Steve:„you're really taking his side?"

Nat:„yes! And y)n calmed down so maybe she wants to apologize!"

I walked upstairs and opened her door.

She was sleeping on the floor in front of the door, so I picked her up and put her to bed.

As I wanted to walk downstairs I saw Bucky still crying loudly.

He got all weepy about it...of course I felt bad...


He looked up and I saw that he was sitting...maybe it didn't hurt that much cause my slap and my screaming hurt him more than the wound...

Steve:„im sorry...it was wrong! I mean...the screaming...and uhm the slap of course! You aren't stupid...arrogant and definitely not selfish...I'm trying to- I uhm just...I'm sorry sweetheart!"

Bucky:„it's ok..."

He tried to smile up on me as I walked closer to him.

Steve:„no...no it's not ok darling! I made a mistake...come here!"

I pulled him into a hug and felt his head pressing against my lower abdomen.

Steve:„im really sorry!"

He nodded and I put a kiss on the top of his head.


She walked inside, rubbing her eyes and crawling up on his lap.

Bucky:„please go down sweetheart...it hurts a bit!"


Steve:„y/n please sit down on the bed!"

Bucky;‚please doll do what daddy tells you!"

She sighed but took buddy and walked downstairs to aunty Nat.

Steve:„do what daddy tells you huh?"

He chuckled still with tears in his eyes and a red spot on his cheek.

I kissed him slightly and stroked over the red spot.

Steve:„does it hurt a lot?'

Bucky:„i mean...a slap with my left arm would hurt more...but it hurts yeah..."

Steve:„im sorry...I'm really really really sorry!"

I put a salve on it and kissed his cheek too.

Bucky:„,it's ok..."

His eyes were still red...oh god! I felt bad.


I sneezed and he looked at me worried.

Bucky:„hm...everything ok?'

I nodded but sneezed again.

Bucky:„oh god...don't tell me you're getting ill!'

I shook my head no and sat down.

Bucky:„Steven Grant Rogers! You are always wearing t-shirts! It's your fault if you get sick! I won't take care of you! Understood?"

I nodded and sneezed again.

Bucky:„oh and bless you!'


My eyes started burning...oh god I felt tears in my eyes...

I tried to overplay my sleepiness but well...Bucky finds out everything!

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