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~bucky pov~

I picked up Steve bridal style and walked upstairs.

Tony followed us with our stuff and put them on the floor.

Tony:„i will take care of y/n! Oh and if you need me just call me alright?"

I nodded and walked into the bathroom with Steve.

While hot water started filling up our bathtub I started pulling down Steve's sweatshirt and sweatpants.

Steve:„buck...thank you..."

Bucky:„for what darling?'

Steve:„that you're taking good care of me..."

Bucky:„i always will...remember the old days?"

He nodded tiredly and couldn't even sit without falling back or forward.

After the bathtub was filled with water I put him into it and started washing his body.

Bucky;‚is it too hot?"

Steve:„its cold...ice cold..."

Tears started forming in his eyes and he clung up on my arm which was stroking over his chest.

Bucky:„too cold?"

I put more warm water into it and even after it was so hot that I couldn't put my hand into it he still said that it was too cold.

Bucky:„alright come here let's get you dressed and to sleep!"

I picked him up, changed him into the warmest outfit he had and put him to bed.

Steve:„bu-buck...it's c-cold..."

I put more blankets over him and after some minutes he felt asleep.

As we had dinner this evening I went upstairs to get Steve.

He definitely looked a lot better than in the morning and yesterday.

We walked downstairs and started eating.

Y/n was shaking her leg all the time so I put my hand on it to stop her but as I put it away she started again.

Bucky:„c'mon y/n can you sit still for us please? Just try!"

Y/n:„yes...sorry dad!"

Bucky:„don't apologize! Did you take your ADHD pills?"

Y/n:„uhm...my ADHD pills...I don't know may- oh dad look what buddy's doing!"

She pointed at the dog who was jumping around.

Bucky:„y/n your pills! Where are they? Did you take them?"


Bucky:„oh y/n...you can't forget them! They're important for you!'

She nodded and we started eating again.

Morgan:„Y/n's still not sitting still!'


Y/n:„sorry...I forgot I uhm must- look dad!"

She pointed somewhere but I took her hand and put it down.

Morgan;„why can't you do as you're told?"

Y/n:„i don't know..."

She clearly was uncomfortable so I started talking about something else with Steve.

Bucky:„steve how do you feel? Can you eat that much?'


He ate just a bit not even the half of the food and gave it to me.

Y/n had tears in her eyes and after a while she pushed her plate to the side and ran upstairs with buddy.

Steve:„what's going on?"

Bucky:‚i will look after her!"

I walked upstairs and saw her sitting on the floor with her hands on her head and her knees pulled up to her chest.

Bucky:‚y/n darling...what's going on?"

Y/n:„i can't follow simple rules...but I wanna! I am trying...I really am! I just-"

Bucky:„baby listen to me! You are wonderful! And we know that you're trying! We know that you give your best!"

I pulled her into a hug and after she calmed down I let her out.

Bucky:„now where are your ADHD pills?"

Y/n:„I don't know!"

Bucky:„y/n please!"

Y/n:„i really don't know!"

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