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I woke up at 2am and walked over to my dad's room.

I saw that their beds were empty so I opened their closet, took out a shirt which was way to big for me and layed down on their bed.

I still couldn't fell asleep so I walked over to Peters room.



Y/n:„i can't sleep..."

Peter:„hey...h-hey baby girl! Why can't you sleep?"

Y/n:„i don't know...I want my daddy and dad..."

Peter:„i know baby...but look...they will be here tomorrow!"

Y/n:„can i sleep here?"

Peter:„hmm...yeah! Come here..."

He put me on his bed and cuddled up with me.

Y/n:„i love you peta..."

Peter:„love you more baby girl!"

He gave me a kiss on my forehead and we both felt asleep.


Tony:„peter wake u-y/n? What are you doing here?"

Peter:„she slept here..."

Tony:„alright...get ready for school kids!"

He drove us to school some minutes later.

All the guys and girls from hockey went to school with me of course!

Jason:„hey...I wanted to say that your uncle is really cool!"



Y/n:„just because he's Ironman...?"

Jason:„what? I can't hear you!"

Y/n:„cause he's Ironman?"

Jason:„no! I think your whole family is cool! And you're the coolest!"

I nodded but stayed quite.

Freddie:„jason! Come here!"

After school Tony picked me up and drove me to hockey practice.

Of course he stayed again but nothing embarrassing happened.

After practice we drove home and ate lunch.

~Steve pov~

Me and Natasha were ready to fight, I gave Bucky a kiss and walked out.

Nat:„rogers... we're gonna rock this! We are a good team!"

I nodded and hugged her.

~ 8 pm~

We blew up the last base and walked back to Bucky.

Steve:„lets go back home buck..."

He smiled up on me weakly and I hugged Nat again.

~y/n pov~

I was crying the whole afternoon cause I thought that my dads would come back, and I didn't understand the homework again.

After Wanda and Peter calmed me down we watched a movie.

~8 pm~

Peter put me to bed and read me a good night story.

After some minutes I felt asleep.

~12 am~

I woke up again and walked over to Peters room.

He was learning something so I closed the door and sat down on his bed.


Y/n:„im not feeling good..."

Peter:„come here..."

He placed the back of his hand on my forehead and then placed them on my cheeks as well.

peter:"hm... meanwhile you don't have a fever sweetie..."

y/n:"I'm really feeling sick..."

Peter: "I believe you sweetheart, let's go to mr.stark!"


peter: "come..."

he picked me up and we went downstairs.

Peter: "Mr. Stark...we need your help! y/n's not doing so well!"

tony: "fever?"

Pete: "No..."

tony:"what's hurting you little one?"

y/n:"my belly! really bad! and my head a bit..."

tony:"here... open your mouth!"

I opened my mouth and he gave me medicine.

Tony:„her dad's should be here in a while...just put her upstairs!"

Peter walked upstairs with me and then I heard the door open.

Steve:„peter! I heard y/n isn't doing well?"

Peter:„no...she is feeling sick!"

Steve;„princess...I'm back!"


I jumped into his arms and he hugged me.

Steve:„i missed you so so so much!"

Y/n:„i missed you more...where's dad?"

Steve:„he will say hi tomorrow...he got hurt a little bit! Now let's take care of you!"

He picked me up and wanted to walk into my room with me but his phone started buzzing.

Steve:„maria...wanna go with me?"

I shrugged my shoulders and clung up on him.

Steve:„it's alright sweetie!"

We walked downstairs and I saw Maria.

I didn't see her often, just after some missions if I had luck.

Maria:„uhhh shouldn't you be in bed little one?"

Steve:„she's not feeling well!"

Maria:„i hope you will get better...well I wanted to talk to you about-"

They started talking and I felt asleep on his shoulder.

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