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As I woke up again Bucky slammed the door shut and sat down while sighing.


Bucky;„sorry for waking you up darling!'

Steve:„what happened?"

I asked while yawning and rubbing my eyes.

Bucky:„y/n...they went on a trip and she got distracted by a flower..."

Steve:„they lost her...and after they found out they called you right?'

He nodded while putting the car keys onto the bedside table.

Steve:„where is she?"

Bucky:„in her room with buddy!"

Steve:„alright I'm gonna look after her..."

He nodded while laying down and pulling the blanket over his head.


I walked into her room seeing her sitting next to buddy crying.

Steve;‚hey...what happened?'

Y/n:„dad...im sorry...i did-didn't want t-to get dis-distracted..."

Steve:‚its ok honey...I'm not mad! Why are you crying?"


She chocked on her words and I rubbed over her back.

Steve:„its ok...shhhh...calm down honey!"

She nodded and put her head on my chest.

Steve:„what did dad do hm?"

Y/n:„he threw the flower away it was a gift for you both...and he told me that he doesn't want to see me for the rest of the day..."

Steve:„he's just tired sweetie alright? He wants to see you every day! And you know it!"

She shook her head no so I stood up and squat down Infront of her.

Steve:„y/n! Remember your rules! We love you more than anything! Alright?'

She nodded sniffling and hugged buddy tighter.

Steve:„im gonna talk to dad alright?"

She nodded but before I walked out she turned around and sniffled.

Y/n:„do you still love me?"

Steve:„y/n...you know the answer! Of course we do! We both do! Alright? We are your dads and won't stop loving you!"

She nodded and laid down on her bed.


Bucky;„what did I do?'

Steve;‚what you did? You told her that you don't wanna see her for the rest of the day! And you threw the flower away! Look...I know you are tired and all this stuff alright?"

Bucky:„yes I am tired! Ok? I am and I just wanna go to sleep!'

Steve:„james! She's crying!"

Bucky;„i know!'

Steve:‚why did you threw the flower away?'

Bucky;‚it was just a stupid flower!"

Steve:„it was for you!"

Bucky:„steven! Don't be so naive!"

Steve:„the flower was for us! She wanted to give us a gift James! She told me!"

Bucky;‚im sorry alright? I'm sorry! I'm just tired and want to go to sleep!'

Steve:„you told her that you don't wanna see her!"

Bucky:„that's not true!"

Steve:„she just told me!'

Bucky:„i told her to go up to her room and that I don't wanna see her until she apologizes!"

Steve;‚apologize? Apologize James? Why should she? It's not her god damn fault!"

Bucky:‚i don't wanna see her getting bullied!"

Steve:„what does this have something to do with apologizing!"

Bucky;„cause maybe she will stop getting distracted-"

Steve:„no! She won't! Ok? Accept it! She's perfect the way she is!"

Bucky;„of course she is!"

Steve;‚why did you-"

Bucky:„i don't know...listen...I just wanted to sleep! I know that's not an excuse!"

Steve:„apologize to her!"

He nodded and walked over into her room.

~y/n pov~

I stopped crying and was just sitting on my bed looking out of the window.

Suddenly dad came into the room.

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