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Y/n:„no...i don't wanna! Please don't!"

Steve:„y/n darling...this is much more easier for us! You can try it for a week! Hm?"

She nodded after some minutes and sighed.

Steve:„good girl...you know we are so tired and have so much work to do! This would help us a lot!"

She nodded and let me go.

Bucky;„alright...y/n the coach texted me that he's ill so you will go horse riding hm?'

She nodded, changed and went horse riding.

After she came back I already felt asleep again.

~bucky pov~

I walked upstairs and saw Steve asleep.

I put a kiss on his lips and he smiled a bit.

Steve:„hey buck..."

Bucky:„sorry... didn't want to wake you up!"

Steve;„no problem..."

Bucky:‚how are you feeling?'

Steve:„like I've been in Russia, pushed into snow and a ice cold water! You?"

He chuckled slightly and stroked my hair back.

Bucky:„im great honey!"

I reached out for a kiss and got it as I pouted my lips.

Bucky:„can I do something for you to make you feel better?'

Steve:„look after y/n! She must eat something...I guess she isn't very happy with the idea to take the bus!"

Bucky:„no she isn't ...I will look after her!"

~bucky pov~

I saw her laying on the bed cuddling with buddy, so I sat down next to her and stroked her hair back.

Bucky:„hey...I know you aren't happy with the idea taking the bus but it will make everything a lot easier ok?"

She nodded and I put a kiss on her cheek, then I picked her up and walked downstairs while kissing Steve's cheek as we met him downstairs.

Sam:„hey buck-"


Steve:„be nice..."

I sighed and smiled up on Sam.

Bucky:„yes? What's going on?"

Sam:„im sorry because of what happened at the mission...and your ass you know? So I wanted to make it up to you by borrowing you my boat for tomorrow you know just you and Steve!"

Steve:„oh Sam...thank you!"


Steve pushed me lightly and I hugged Sam.

Sam:„alright...uhm so everything's ok again?'

I nodded and saw that Steve smiled up on me.

Steve:‚im so proud of you darling!'

Bucky:‚thank you!'

He stroked over my hair and I sat down on the couch next to him.

~y/n pov~

In the evening I was playing around with buddy while the others were playing games and talking.

Bucky:„alright...y/n darling it's sleeping time!"

He picked me up and I felt my chest aching again.

It was the feeling I got when I was scared...

I grabbed after my dad's shirt and held it tightly while trying to calm down.

Bucky:‚y/n...calm down darling..."

He started rubbing my back and I whined while he laid me down on my bed.

Bucky:„its gonna be totally fine...ok?'

I nodded while a tear rolled down my cheek.

~steve pov~

I gave y/n a kiss after she felt asleep cause as Bucky put her to bed I was taking a shower.

Steve:„hey! I saw her cuddling with buddy and Mr.cuddles! Everything ok?"

Bucky:„yeah! Actually she was really scared and had a little breakdown!"

Steve:„sorry that I wasn't there..."

Bucky:„no need to be, how are you?"


He gave me a kiss and we laid down.

As we cuddled up and talked a bit I heard how Bucky got tired and felt asleep.

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