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The flight was really long and then I saw my new home for a month.

I moved in then I realized how much i missed y/n and Bucky...

A tear rolled down my cheek and I wanted to call him but i knew that he was sleeping.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.


A woman was standing Infront of the door with wine.

Woman:„hi! I'm your new neighbor! And well here something from me and my husband!"

She handed me the wine and I said thank you.

Woman:„oh by the way I'm Susan!"

Steve:„st-jeff! Nice to meet you!"

She chuckled and we shook hands.

After she was gone I started unpacking and texted Bucky.

Steve:„hey! I'm in Slovakia! Already missing you! Please don't cry...I will try to text and call you alright? Love you bye!"

Of course he red the text no minute later.

Bucky:„i miss you more...just please promise me to call me every day!"

Steve:„promise darling! How is y/n?"

Bucky:„she is crying! Can't stop thinking about you either!"

Steve:„is she with you?"

Bucky:„yeah hugging me..."

Steve:„tell her i love her!"

Then Bucky didn't text back...maybe tired...

After i finally finished I walked out to look around.

I saw my neighbours who were doing something in their garden.

Tony suddenly called me so I picked up.

Tony:„met your new neighbours?"


Tony:„hope you didn't tell them your real name..."

Steve:„im not that dumb tony!"

Tony:„so what's your name?"


Tony:„jeff? Really?"

Steve:„it went so fast!"

He laughed and I said bye.

After I walked around my garden I walked to my other neighbours.

Steve:„hi! I'm Jeff!"

Woman:„im Anna!"

A man came up behind her and I knew that it was the men...the men we searched!

Steve:„hi i uhm im your new neighbour-"

Anna:„his name is Jeff!"

Men:„hi Jeff! I'm Oliver..."

Tony said that he should trust me so I started hanging out with them.

I was calling Bucky every day and he was crying every day on the phone.


Bucky:„i miss you so much...please don't do anything stupid..."

Y/n was crying too but not as much as Bucky.

Steve:„princess promise me something! Take care of dad! He is very sad!"

Y/n:„when will you come back?"

Steve:„when dad will walk without crutches!"


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