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Melissa's p.o.v

Waking up felt like hell but Victoria would kill me if I spoke like that. Packing my hair into two messy buns, I brushed my teeth then took some selfies. Dressed up in my school uniform, I hoped that this session would be good to me and there won't be problems. Walking downstairs, I could already hear them arguing. Rolling my eyes, I made my way to the kitchen knowing they won't notice me.

I packed my food and took apples with me as I walked out of the house. Listening to team by lorde, I walked to the Junction where I would take bike.

"Oyinbo pepper" a bike man winked at me before assessing me.

You just lost 300 naira fam.

I moved to the other one who looked sensible then hopped on the bike. I paid him his money then began to walk to the estate where the school was located. On my way there, I saw Victoria's car and she began to wave like a mad girl, I replied in the same manner.

"Mellly!!!!" She jumped on me as I entered. I chuckled before greeting uncle chima.

"Uncle chimoo, anything for me?" I wiggled my eyebrows while he rolled his eyes before replying me.

"I missed you like mad, lemme gist you sha". She began to tell me all that happened yesterday. When I heard about Miss Olamide , I just rolled my eyes.

Disappointed, nope. Surprised, nope. Sad,nope. Still thinks the lady is a bitch, 100 percent. Scratch that, a beast .

Ok, scratch that, nothing. She's nothing.

"Well , you know that's your teacher" I chuckled while Vicky hit me.

We continued arguing till we got to school and said bye to uncle chima. Walking into the school compound eating apples, we stopped when we saw King's car pulling up.

"Haha, which spirit possessed him that he's here before assembly" I asked Vicky while she just shrugged.

He walked out of the car , his hair looking a bit full and bag on only one shoulder. I had a crush on him (still do) and yh , being the bitch I am, I told him and guess what my answer was.

A blank stare then a snore. I wasn't hurt cause one thing about him is that he doesn't talk too much and he probably didn't believe me.

"King how fa..." I gave the air high five as he just walked past us like we were nothing. I just put my hand back down and stared at him. Victoria sighed then turned to me.

"I apologize, he's not ok. I'll go and meet him.

Victoria's p.o.v

After apologizing to Melissa, I ran after King then pulled him to the empty class. I looked at him while he stared at the wall. They were already praying in assembly so I just decided to skip it. Sitting down close to him, I swung my legs back and forth.

"Is.." I gulped. He just nodded. I sighed then turned his back to me bringing out the first aid kit I kept in the hidden compartment of my bag.

He had already removed his shirt, I winced as I helped him to clean the wounds. I bit my lip as I tried not to cry.

"Are u biting your lips?" I could hear the smile in his voice. I scoffed then sniffed.

"You're the one that likes BTS" I responded. He turned back and raised his eyebrows at me before chuckling.

"You're not supposed to be laughing" I picked another cotton wool as I cleaned the ones on his chest.

"Don't worry they are little at least next time maybe I'll die" He said while playing with my braids. I pressed the cotton wool on his wound.

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