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Victoria's p.o.v

You know that point when you know you're screwed and you probably won't be able to escape it but yet you don't feel guilty about the situation that brought you there; I was currently at that point. I stood in front of the desk of my principal as she stared at me calmly but I could see the disappointment in her eyes. The whiny bitch that I had injured was there bawling her eyes out and talking about how she had always tried to make friends with me. I let her speak without inputting how much of a liar she truly was. I tried my possible best to remain impassive but i couldn't help but play with the pin I had found on the floor earlier. 

"Miss Adeleke, do you have anything to say?" Principal Magaret looked at me expecting me to try to defend myself but i kept quiet and just stared back at her. She sighed and shook her head.

"Well we are going to have to call your parents to school" she said but I wasn't listening.

All I could think about was taking the scissors on her desk and plunging it deep into Mary's neck. It was playing in an endless loop in my head but it kept on getting better.

"Adeleke!" I snapped out of my fantasies to see them both staring at me; one with fear and horror and the other with worry. I look down to see my hands bleeding. I had put the pin into my palm and now blood was coming out of it.

Well that explains the satisfaction.

"Oh" that's all I said as I watched  blood come out of the wound. Mrs Magaret rushed over to me with a napkin and tried to clean the blood. She told Mary to call any prefect and she tried to make me calm. I couldn't hear a word she said. I was focused on how the wound brought out more blood. Red everywhere. As it came out, it made me think about the fact that just like my blood, my true character is slowly being showed to the world and that freaked me out. I didn't even feel the pain, I was just focused on gaining control or some sense or control. I've been losing it and I was freaked out by it. It felt like everyone was in my mind and I was slowly being unraveled to the world.

Slowly, my thoughts, emotions, feelings were being showed and it fucking scared the shit out of me. I was acting out of character according to everyone and I felt so stupid for not being better.  I should be better, I should be happy. People expect me to be, they all want me to be. I need to be happy, energetic, smart, supportive; it is what is expected of me but yet I can't do that. Fucking pathetic. As the principal, senior Ezekiel and I walked to the clinic, I became aware of my surroundings. It was break time so practically everyone were out of their classes and they all stared at me, murmuring amongst themselves. I kept my head down.

Ibukun's p.o.v

I was in the classroom when Mary came in and started yelling to our classmates that Victoria had finally gone mad.

"She just stared at the principal like a dumb person. Gosh I got goosebumps, she didn't even reply to anything she said. She just stared with those maniac eyes, she looked like she wanted to kill us. " I glanced at Onome who glared at Mary. I stood up from my seat and slowly walked to where they were gathered.

"That's not even all o. This girl injured herself oo!! By putting a big pin inside her hand and she barely reacted. She's fucking insane! All that calm girl shit she did just hid the crazy person she is" they gasped at what Mary told them.

I paused and contemplated on whether I should insult the living hell out of her or go check on Victoria. I didn't even have the chance to think about it when I heard King's voice.

"Where is she?" He said calmly but in a tone that said don't mess with me or I'll fuck you up.

"She... she...was" Mary stuttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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