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Yemisi's p.o.v

I couldn't do it. I couldn't deal with the way he chose to ignore my existence and pass by me like I was nothing. I love Nosa;it may sound stupid or dramatic but i do. This isn't some secondary school attraction, this was real for me. Nosa made me feel significant, he made me feel loved, protected and secure and I couldn't bear feeling insignificant once again. I just couldn't. Which is why I begged the boys to convince him to play the game of modal truth with us. I was ready to say my truth, no matter how complicated or stupid it may seem. I may end being judged or treated with disgust but I've been locked in the same room for so long and it was dark, lonely and it was on fire. I was in hell,where my body was burnt over and over again. I knew what was making me burn but i kept on putting myself into the fire. I'm tired.

"Yemisi!" Barakat yelled my name and looked at me with a worried look.

"Huh?" I looked up to see everyone looking at me a worried look except him. He didn't even glance in my direction. His hood covered most of his face so I wasn't sure if he was listening or sleeping.

"I said do you want to explain everything to us? You don't have to if you don't want to babe" Barakat said.

"I want to" I cleared my throat and sat up. I fiddled with my fingers. Victoria held my hands and began to draw tattoos but I knew she was offering me comfort in her own way.

"I..um.... I don't know how to start this" I chuckled nervously, occasionally glancing at his direction.

"I and Bassey's situation was a very complicated and stupid problem. Ada.. she caused it" I paused and they all looked at me to continue.

"You all know I dated senior Tolu when he was still in Rc. Ada had a thing for him and would harass me in different ways. I was in Jss3 then so I really wasn't as tough as I am now. She would call me a slut and all sort of things. I didn't tell you guys cause Tolu told me he would handle it but he didn't, he cheated on me with her" They all looked shocked except from Victoria who kept on drawing on my hand and Nosa who didn't even move but I knew he was listening.

"They made me feel insignificant and worthless. Tolu kept on telling me he would deal with it while he was screwing with her. I couldn't believe it when i found out. She rubbed it in everytime she saw me. Then she recorded..when Mr Amos... did what he did to me in Ss1"

"The fuck!" Prince swore. Victoria finally paused from drawing on my hands and he finally looked up. Our eyes met and his eyes softened. Back in Ss1, Mr Amos was our creative art teacher. He was also our closest friend; we trusted him with our issues and burdens and then he... touched me inappropriately.. I guess my mind never fully grasped how serious it was cause I shut down after that moment.

"When she um.. showed me the video, she had it look like I wanted it, like I tried to seek validation from him because Tolu cheated. After that, I believed that I truly deserved what Mr Amos did to me. I felt insignificant cause Ada got to go on with her life and be happy and also have that video and she was so happy while I felt disgusted with my own skin for months. I wanted to be significant in her life as she was in mine so.. I found out about her sleeping with the vc and spread the rumour and I saw she liked Bassey so I went after him. I wanted her to remember me everyday of her miserable life cause she was sleeping so peacefully after harrasing me and making me feel so little" I sniffled.

They all looked at me silently. I waited for their judgments but no one spoke. My bestfriends didn't even know about this. The video of me and Mr Amos is still with that sick bitch and I don't know what she plans to do with it but no one would believe me after what happened at Patrick's party.

"I'm sorry guys" I chuckled while wiping my tears. "I just couldn't deal with it. I couldn't, i I later came to understand that Mr Amos did that to me... he did and I fucking trusted him so much and he did that. I don't even know the fucked up mentality I gave myself and I..." I choked up looking at Nosa.

"Nosa I'm so sorry... I care for you so much and I never should have done that. I can't bear the fact that you aren't looking at me or acting like i exist. You may not want to get back together but please forgive me" my voice broke. Victoria squeezed my hands and she turned towards Nosa.

"Guys let's give them space" They all left and it was just the two of us. The silence was killing me. He didn't say a word but kept on looking at me. I couldn't meet his gaze.

"Yemi" he paused.

"You know the funny thing is, I wouldn't have cared about any of this if you had told me how empty and low you felt. I could have stopped you from making a stupid decision like this. I could have helped you get your revenge just for you to get inner peace.. I would have smashed that bitch's phone for you. I would have listened to you and told you how significant you are everyday because that's how much... I...love you bro" My heart ached with joy and pain at his confession. He said it to me everytime but it felt deeper today and I couldn't describe it.

"I understand you now and I've forgiven you but it doesn't change the fact that you hurt me. I love you but I can't get back together with you till you find that inner peace" I couldn't control the tears anymore and I just let it fall. I felt him crouch down in front of me and he held my face up.

"Find yourself my love, forgive, let it all out. I'm still here, I will always be here but I can't be with you till you fight and defeat those demons. This is something you have to end on your own. Its a personal decision and I need you to fight for yourself" I kept on crying.

"Babe please don't cry, I love you so much. I know we are going to be okay" he brought my face forward and kissed my lips slowly. I cried more knowing he was leaving but he still loved me. I don't deserve this boy. Just like that, he left. Asi and Melissa came back and I cried and cried till there wasn't anything left.

A/n: Wow ,wow,wow. 🥺someone get me a man like Nosa😭. This was just too cute and heartbreaking. Happy new year guys 🥳🥳. I just want to say thank you guys for the love and support you have shown to DR. It's unbelievable how much this book has grown; now at 1.4k reads.

This was a short but sweet chapter. I hope you guys will be able to see from Yemisi's point of view. It may not be the best but I hope you guys understand now.  Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Please vote, share and comment.

Once again happy new year and I will try to update. See you till the next chapter 💕

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