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Melissa's p.o.v

Let's just say the game ended in a very weird way. Ibukun was dared to kiss Cornelius or swim in the pool naked. I think you all know what happened next, bae stripped fast but none of the guys looked. Yemisi was dared to give Eli a lap dance which she fulfilled. Victoria was dared to eat fish or give out her entire ice cream stash.

This girl did it o, upon the hate she had for fish.

It was 2am and the clouds were excessively loud. The rain was frightening , the thunder and lightning were like beasts coming to destroy the earth. I moved out of the bed i was sharing with Yemisi and Ibukun. I was thirsty and a bit hungry, i walked downstairs and took cabin biscuit and drinks. While heading upstairs , i saw a shadow in the sitting room.

"Whoever the fuck that is, I'll have you know, i became chucky's bride yesterday so don't even think about it" stuffing another biscuit in my mouth, i walked to the sitting room slowly. As i moved closer, the shadow moved.

Then a deep chuckle which sounded a lot like King's filled the silence. There's a little light in the hallway i was standing so as he came closer , i saw those brown eyes as he stared down at me in amusement. I rolled my eyes at him then shoved him.

"Why are you down here?" I raised my eyebrow before moving up the stairs. He followed , calmly walking behind me.

"I was thirsty then i just felt like chilling in the sitting room" he responded quietly and i hummed.

We walked in silence while i tried to calm my thoughts as his cologne did nothing but assault my nose, making my air revolve around him and only him. We got to the hallway where our rooms were. Turning to tell him goodbye, he was staring at me.

"Melissa....would you like to come in for... a few minutes?" He stared at me calmly while my heart was beating as fast i could never imagine.

"As long as you sha dont rape me or use me for ritual, sure" i shrugged while he just chuckled. Look at me playing cool when my organs have twisted and knotted into gooey rubbish( if there's something like that). I opened the door to his room and looked around. A laptop, books and couple of ice cream containers were laying around.

"Victoria fell asleep here before i carried her to her room" he explained while cleaning. I felt a voice hold a knife to stab me and whispered to me;

Nothing special, he just invited you like any other girl

I took a deep breath and sat down next to him. The ac was on so i was a bit cold, i was rubbing my hands from the cold and from the nervousness from the silence. I was about to ask him why he called me here when he removed his hoodie and wore it for me.

I was immediately hit with that citrus with a hint of spicy scent. I looked like a baby wearing this hoodie.

"Thanks" he just smiled at me before taking his laptop. "A new anime just came out and since you like anime, i was hoping we could watch it together" he turned to me.

I was still trying to look less flushed but no melanin skin. Looking away quickly, i responded with a quick sure..

He fiddled with his computer while i stood up to stare out the window where the rain was still pouring. It had reduced but the thunder and lightning were still the same. Trailing the raindrops on the window, i stared at the sky and just watched as it continued to cry.

"If you dont mind ,moana, come back and watch anime" he smirked at me while i flipped him off. Getting comfortable under the duvet and setting my forgotten biscuit between us, we began to watch the anime.

Moments later.....

"That was a dope anime" he nodded in agreement with me. I yawned as i felt sleepy.

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