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Victoria's p.o.v

"The winner of this round is....." Patrick paused for dramatic effect. "Anu!!" The crowd yelled while Anu smiled at me smugly. I smiled back and clapped for her.

"That was a tough one guys, we're gonna have a 2 minutes break before the 60 seconds dance" I walked back to where my friends were.

"Ahannn, Vicky the stepper" Elijah hailed me. I smiled at him

"Where are the rest?" I accepted the water King offered me and took a sip.

"I don't know, they are probably around somewhere. Asi and Melissa went to look for them." I nodded.

"Its almost time" King said to me.

"Are you ready?" I shrugged in reply.

"Okay guys, this is the last round and its called..."

"Fast feet" the crowd yelled in response.

"Correct, in fast feet, it could be music or a genre of dance that is picked for the box" i looked towards the direction of the box and Nancy was standing next to it waiting to pick the next genre or music.

"Now Nancy, please do the honors" Patrick winked at the dark beauty who smiled at him before picking a paper from the box.

"The fast feet round is going to be about..." she paused for dramatic effect. " kpop" she said while everyone just laughed.

"Kpop is what our beautiful ladies are going to have to go with. Since kpop already has choreos, they are gonna dance exactly as the idols do it till the music stops"

"Omo, which kain round be this bayii?"

"How will they do this guy?"

"Anu will beat her"

"No guy, Victoria is obsessed with those Korean guys"

"We are going to have the choreo played on the screen while the dancers face the opposite direction. Guys, una be the judge o, so you have to watch out for who executes it properly" Patrick said.

I and Anu turned away from the large screen while the audience watched the screen. Queencard by G(i)dle began to play and I got excited. Immediately I heard minnie singing, I began dancing and so did Anu. We kept at it while the audience kept cheering us on. Soon enough the music stopped.

"That was good guys. Audience over to you" Patrick said.

"Who is your winner? Anu?" Few cheers were heard. "Vicky?" The cheers were louder.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our winner is obvious. Still undefeated and the best, Vicky!!" They shouted and surrounded me, showering me with compliments. I smiled and thanked them. Walking over to Anu, I stretched out my hand for a handshake.

"Nice battle" I said. She just looked at me before scoffing and walking away. I shook my head and walked over to where my friends were.

"Opoor fun Vicky" Barakat hailed.

"Best battler in Rc history!" Elijah shouted while we all laughed.

"I'm tired you guys" I whined.

"You can't be tired oo, the night just started" Yemisi said and truly the night just begun.

****moments later ****

We were having drinks and talking when Patrick and his friend walked over to us.

"You guys should join us upstairs for truth or dare" Patrick said. I felt uneasy about that. In every great teen novel or movie, you should know that things get messy when you play t or d but my friends were abnormal so they jumped at the opportunity. We went upstairs to a lounge where most of our classmates were sprawled around, the drinkers gulping down alcohol, couples all over each other and the singles gisting.

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