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Victoria's p.o.v

I have never won the battle nor will i have ever win. Hopes for salvation are endless and mindless wishing but at the same time my salvation is already here but it has come in the worst way possible and i refuse to accept it. Sinking into oblivion is a norm for me, do I even want to survive?

"Victoria, what do you want to do when them Yemisi come?" Ibukun said from the couch.

"We'll eat, then maybe go out and shop for movie marathon" I said from the kitchen. I was licking my ice cream. My aunt and sister have gone for their trip.

"Can i go to the pool?" Barakat asked.

"Sure na"

"Oya Onome let's go" she dragged Onome to the room. I sat next to Prince who was playing a game on his phone.

"Do you wanna play ps?" I asked him

"You want to play ps? You?" He looked at me with amusement shining in his eyes.

"Oh that was one time na and I was drowsy na" I closed my eyes in embarrassment.

"Better to be safe than sorry" I hit him with a pillow. Just then the sound of a car engine could be heard, i walked outside of the house to see a familiar red Audi r8 drive in. King got down from the car and carried his bag.

"What is this one feeling like? Who dash you sunglasses? " I eyed him while he just shook his head at me before placing the glasses on my face.

"Just say that you missed me buttercup" he tapped my nose before placing his hands on my shoulder.

"Thought you were doing hard guy na,celeb" he rolled his eyes as we walked to the door.

"Changed my mind" he pushed the door open and the boys were hailing him and doing their manly greetings or whatever. I helped him to carry his bag to his room. As I dropped the bag, something fell out of it. I picked it up and I nearly cried. It was his concealer, what he used to hide all those painful scars. I felt so emotional and i had to wait a while to regain my composure.

"Victoria where are u na?" King met me in the hallway,I just stared at him silently.

"Wetin sup you?" He bent down a bit to look at me. I just threw my hands around his neck and hugged him tightly. He was still for a moment, probably trying to figure out what happened to me. I was about to leave him when he carried me.

"King you can drop me" I smiled at him but he just adjusted me so i won't fall then headed towards the stairs.

"Well if you wanna carry your King, then you can go ahead peasant, see what i did there?" I poked his cheek while he rolled his eyes. We got downstairs and I saw that Onome and Barakat were downstairs. The swim suit Onome was wearing was obviously Barkat's cause that girl would never wear unless forced.

"Onome oya lets go now" Barakat walked out of the house. Elijah couldn't take his eyes off Onome as she tried to pack her natural hair. As she was doing so, her chest showed a bit and I nearly burst out laughing at how Elijah took a sharp breath before cursing. Does this boy realize I'm watching him sha? All these lovesick children.

"Barakat let me just wear my own" Onome squirmed around and tried to cover herself.

"Woman let those titties breathe, show what your mama gave you and be proud of it" Barakat pulled her to the pool. When they left the house, Ibukun laughed out and walked to Elijah.

"Clean your mouth, you're drooling " she tapped his face before running off laughing. Elijah chased after her and soon it was only King , me and Prince.

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