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Melissa's p.o.v

My father was here ,holding a girl who's probably in her twenties in a loving manner. He whispered while she giggled. I felt numb, i guess hearing about his cheating escapades was different than seeing. I couldn't look away no matter how i tried , i couldn't look away.

I envied the girl as she picked whatever she wanted and my dad encouraged her.

"Daddy, can i have that?" I blinked at him

"Oh chineke, you this girl. No im not buying anything for you" He hissed then shoved me away .

There's wasn't a time i or my mum would ask for something and my dad wouldn't snap but here he was spending happily on his girlfriend.

I hadn't realized i was shaking till king held me.

"King, Leave me" i pushed him but his grip never loosened

"Breathe" He whispered while i was lost.
My mind was in a haze, i just wanted to go over to him and ask why mum and i weren't enough for him, why he couldn't love us like how he loved these girls.

"King, please i just....need to talk to him... he will realize his mistake....and he.." Gripping his hoodie tighter, i tried to breathe while pushing away the overwhelming pain in my body. Pretending that my family's issues never fazed me was a lie, no kid wants their parents cheating.

"Melissa, look away from him and forget that for now." he looked at me softly. Even though his hard exterior was still present, i could feel the warmth he was radiating.

I took a breath in sharply, holding his sweater. We stayed like that for a while with me seeking solace in his chest. I pulled back slowly embarrassed that i must have been having a breakdown in front of different people.

"I pulled you into a dressing room before you could..." he couldn't complete his sentence cause i shrieked and jumped on him.

"Children of nowadays, doing rubbish inside dressing rooms ,aigoo" Victoria's head popped out from under the doors.

Securing me around his waist, he looked down at his bestfriend who was looking between us with a grin on her face.

"Dirty minded for a child" he tsked while she chuckled before sliding back out.

"Open the door oo, im starving but if una want to stay and continue, be my guest tho i dont think the customers would be elated" she chuckled then she left.

I flushed realizing i was still on him, he just stared at me calmly while i looked anywhere except from him. I got down then dashed out of the dressing room to the food court. He was right behind me.

"King and Melissa, Adeleke says you people were making babies in the dressing room, is that true?" Asi who just joined us says from where she was typing away on her phone.

I glared at Victoria who only sent me an air kiss. I have already been embarrassed in front of this guy enough, i cant believe someone knows about it. I feel exposed.

"Im going to go and order with prince and asi shebi una don write wetin you want" Victoria asked. Everyone answered before she stood up. It wasn't even long before she was on the ground with food all over her.

"Victoria" King called out before bolting to where she was. We all moved to understand what happened when Seyifunmi Folorunsho and Maleek Salam were with their clique.

"Victoria darling, I'm so sorry. I totally didn't see you" Seyifunmi's clear voice came out. They were students of Greenwood school, royal college's rival. They were the most mean, snobby and terrible set of people you could be entangled with.

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