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Victoria's p.o.v

It was Monday. Yemisi left yesterday evening because her dad came back from his long travel so it was only King and i left. We were currently eating breakfast.

"King, have you done the maths assignment?" I looked up at him. He nodded before i groaned.

"Let me guess you forgot" he rolled his eyes while i stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'll have you know i was busy" i shoved rice into my mouth while pouting.

He raised his eyebrows,"busy? Was it binge watching kdramas or stalking BTS that you were busy with?"

"I'll have you know that those are full time jobs bro. They are what makes me live" i put my hands on my chest in a dramatic manner while he shook his head at me.

"You can't even talk, you weeb. As if you don't stare at anime girls" i pointed my spoon at him.

"Cause they are better to stare at than you" he smirked at me.



"Gay boy"

"Dustbin girl"

"Cow poop"

"Annoying shit"

"Sorry to break up your lover's quarrel, you are going to be late to school" Aunty Iyanu looked between us amused. I smiled at her before giving him the stink eye to which he replied with an air kiss.

We took our plates to the kitchen and washed them before heading outside to meet uncle chima.

"Another sleepover?" He raised his eyebrows at King, who just shrugged.

"Well then, let's get moving" we entered the car and started our journey to school. The radio people seemed to love me as All the stars by Kendrick Lamar and SZA filled the quiet car. King looked at me from the mirror before grinning then we both began to sing.

I was the SZA to his Kendrick Lamar. When the song came to an end, we were smiling so hard.

"King,i didn't know you could rap like that and Victoria, your voice keeps getting better" Uncle chima commended us. I looked at King who was chuckling softly. That was our thing, singing and rapping. Like our own special karaoke.

We got to school, King still had a smile on his face and i was also feeling happy on the inside. Everything was perfect until we saw our classmates staring at us like we were aliens. I started to move away from him but King hooked his arm through mine and pulled us to the class block.

They were several whispers from juniors.

"I told you that senior King was dating senior Victoria not senior Yemisi "

"They even came together.. Victoria doesn't have shame sha.. inviting boy to her house"

I bit my lip and tried to pry my hands away from King but he just smiled at me and held me tighter.

"He's even smiling,,couple goalss"

"I love it , God when?"

We finally got into the class. Though it wasn't less chaos but it was safe. Most of our classmates were focused on us that i began to wave to them to make them look away. Ibukun waved us over from where she was sitting.

"Ibukun my dear ,how are you?" King went closer to her and hugged her. The dramatic ones in the class gasped. Ibukun shoved him before narrowing her eyes at him.

"Are we dead? Do you have a concussion?" She moved to inspect his head while he just chuckled before placing his head on her lap.

"He's just on cloud nine" i explained to her while she raised her eyebrows at him. I sat down near her so she could help me with my maths assignment, i hoped she would be normal around me after what happened on Saturday and she was. Moments later, Yemisi entered the class with her red headphone over her ears. She walked over to us while we stared at her amazed.

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