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Victoria's p.o.v

Onome was eating ofada rice and stew. Ibukun being her usual self was eating out of it. I was hungry so I stole Onome's spoon and ate out of it. I groaned at the sweet taste of ofada.

"Your mum can cook, I might come this weekend to come and eat" I took another spoon.

"I wonder why you don't bring food to school or why you don't cook by yourself" Ibukun raised her eyebrows while taking a spoon out of her food.

" I don't know how to cook neither do I like it and I prefer eating Mrs Aina's food" I smiled.

"I'm going to the cafeteria see you" I walked away.

"Are you eating there?"Onome asked.

"Maybe" I walked out of the class. I was humming the tunes of deja vu by Olivia Rodrigo when I noticed my shoe lace was untied.

I bent down to tie it and was about to stand up when someone used their knee to hit my back and I fell face flat on the floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Vicky" I knew that voice and I just shook my head before picking myself up. I brushed off the dust then turned back to face Lolo(dumb name by the way) aka Anu Bello.

She's a girl in my class, science to be precise. To me, has a good body but destroyed with her character. She's bigger than me and needed a lot of ice cream in her life.

She has made it a mission to make me life terrible and also my female friends cause she believes we are "the spoilt and privileged kids". She also has crush on Prince and King but mostly King.

"Adeleke, I see you are still stupid" she smirked at me while Pemisire giggled.

"Bello, I see you still hate me. I really don't have your time so happy resumption" I was about to turn back when she grabbed my shoulder.

"This session will be my time to shine. I'll date King and I'll make him stop having you as a bestfriend" she put her face close to me.

"I'll expose you and show your weaknesses to everyone so they'll know you don't have a perfect life" she pushed me back.

Dramatic much....insert sigh emoji

"Honestly b, do what you want to do, you can't ruin my life cause even if everyone leaves ,baba God and ice cream still dey there" I gave her the peace sign then walked away.

I checked my wristwatch and saw it was 20 minutes left for break. I walked to Mrs Aina's stall.

"Mummy Ekaaro (Mummy good morning)" I bent slightly then smiled at me.

"Darasimi , arike bawoni(how are you?)" She held my face lovingly. Mrs Aina is a beautiful woman probably in her twenties ,she has a nice shape and very long hair.

"I'm good ma" ,I began to help her sell some snacks while she packed my food.

"Ba mi fun Mrs Tosin ounje wòn( help me give Mrs Tosin her food)" I collected the two nylons then thanked her and left the Cafe.

Before going to class ,I made a quick stop at staff room two and dropped Mrs Tosin's food.

I walked back to my class and collected my crs note from Barakat since she was done with it, I grabbed my bag and told my friends bye. I put on my headset and listened to magic by txt.

I danced my way to our spot, I began to eat my food. As per I'm her daughter, she gave me three meats. Enjoyment upon enjoyment.

Moments later..

I was done eating and it was already 7th period. I disposed the packet then made my way to the library. Mrs Shaibu (not Barakat's mum) was telling some juniors to keep quiet. Our school library was big. They were different shelves for junior and senior. We had round ,joint tables and chairs.

There were also bean bags ,the windows were big with long dark curtains. There were also different posters on the wall.

I chatted with Mrs Shaibu a bit before going to my favorite place in the library. I placed my bag on the floor, made my way to the store and took my duvets, snacks and the bean bag there.

This was the old part of the library where not a lot of people don't come to except for me. I placed my crs note on the duvet, removed my shoes and socks, laid down and began to study.

Halfway through, I felt someone plop down on the bean bag, turning to check, it was Senior Ezekiel.

"Aish" I whispered. He began to clear his throat annoyingly till I finally turned towards him.

"Good afternoon senior" Raising my eyebrows at him ,I began to inspect him. He wasn't that bad, good looking, extremely smart but was a bully. Sometimes the smart ones are always the idiots. He had curly hair ,brown skin and pink lips.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I rolled my eyes before turning back to my book.

"In biology class" looking for answers in the textbook was annoying, he plopped down beside me and began to eat my Doritos.

"Ya!" I snatched it from him before glaring at him. He only ruffled my hair in reply.

"You know, if you like her just say it, stop attacking me and trying to annoying her" I deadpanned.

"I don't like her, I also like to torture you and there's a lot between us" He opened another pack of doritos before lying down.

"Guy, I hate you ,you're annoying as hell" I hit his head while he just chuckled.

Incase you're wondering , he's my school father. I know right ,so stupid.

When I finished my crs assignment, he finally left me alone. I had nothing to do anyways so I pulled my duvet over myself, put on my headset and slept off to Your Power by Billie Eilish.

King's pov

I and Ibukun were on our way to the library , me being me continued disturbing her and she was groaning and cursing at me. She's the number one person i take pleasure in annoying. We greeted Mrs Shaibu then made our way to Victoria. Opening the door, we saw her sleeping.

I chuckled before removing my shoes then falling directly on top of her. Ibukun just shook her head at my antics before removing her shoe and plopping down on the bean bag.

"King ,gbe body e" Victoria said in a sleepy tone. I just hugged her more and giggled.

"Guy, you're too fat, comot body joor" she opened her eyes then scowled at me. I hit her nose before letting her go. She raised herself up before turning to Ibukun.

"I dont understand how someone that acts like a zombie can be so childish" she rubbed her eyes.

"What can i say, you bring out the best in me" i replied tapping her nose.

"For someone who doesn't sleep a lot, you can sleep oooo" I took a bite out of her meatpie.

"You made no sense" Ibukun rolled her eyes. I turned to her and stuck out my tongue.

"What period is this?" She drank water before packing her duvet.

"It's last period" Ibukun answered. She only nodded before returning the duvet. Wearing her shoes, she turned to Ibukun.

"You two came here together?" She said as a smile began to form on her face.

I rolled my eyes, before helping her to tie her shoe lace. The three of us made way to class when it was closing time.

Victoria's p.o.v

I told my friends goodnight as I made my way to uncle chima. We got home by 4 as there was no traffic. I greeted aunt Kimopra before dragging myself upstairs. I fell face flat on the bed.

I had my bath then changed into my iron man pj's. I ate boiled plantain and vegetable, used some drugs and slept off.

A/n: the chapter was uneventful, what do you guys think about Anu? Also King and Ibukun🙃🙃.

Why do you think Ezekiel is nice to Victoria when no one is around?
Anyways please like and comment. See you in the next chapter.

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