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King's pov

Taking deep breaths, I walked to the car, more like limped to the car. I could feel myself breaking and falling but i willed myself to be strong. As i was about to enter the car, someone held me back.

"King wait" Mark held me back. I removed his hands off me before throwing my bag in the car and shutting the door.

"What do you want?" I sighed before running fingers through my hair.

"I want to apologize to you, this is all my fault. I should have helped you" his voice went lower as he spoke. I just looked at him unfazed before scoffing.

"You could just do what he wants, it will reduce your pain. You should oblige" i looked at him shocked before bursting out laughing. I held my knees as i laughed. My organs felt like they were twisting with the amount of hatred that was within my heart. I kept laughing till i was choking like a dying cat.

"Oblige? Help me?" I chuckled before moving closer to him, he moved backwards a little and looked at me with a little fear, i smirked a little at that.

"The only way you could have helped me was running away and not coming back. I helped you to run then almost went into a coma then two years later, you bring your stupid ass back. Who runs from liberation? Are you brainwashed or plain dumb? I could have survived with you being gone, you just added misery to my pain by coming back" i growled at him. He was already crying but why should I care.

"You and that man in there are ruining my life. I have to use a concealer every fucking day to school. I carry that shit around everyday, my bestfriend can't help but worry about her broken bestfriend when I know she's....suffering ....in her own way" my voice broke as I willed myself not to cry.

"I can't think of my future without wavering that these scars would hunt me. I have to fucking hold on to protect my mum and siblings from hell. I could have been better, everything could have been okay but YOU HAD TO COME BACK!" I yelled at him.

"So don't you dare tell me to oblige or tell me you can help when you can't do shit, fuck off" i turned back and walked to the car. I turned on my phone to see a lot of texts from Victoria.

My ugly star 🌟

"Where are you?"

"Did he touch you? I'm home ,please answer"

"King im scared, i swear, if you don't answer, what i will use your eyes to see"

"I won't disturb, pleasee be okay"

I sighed before dropping it on the chair. There was traffic so i got home like past 9. I quietly walked to my room after checking on my mum and siblings. Removing my clothes and got into the shower, blasting out sick of you by Boy with uke.

The song encompasses most of my emotions towards my father. I felt trapped and suffocated. The hot water burnt my body but i was used to it. I cleaned my body before taking some painkillers and wearing a sweatpant and a basketball jersey. I laid there on my bed just staring at the ceiling when my door opened.


I looked towards the door to see my little brother, Arthur looking at me innocently.

"King Arthur, i thought you were asleep" he giggled then closed the door before running cutely towards me. I carried him up on the bed to sit next to me.

"I was waiting for you" he smiled at me. He was four years old but too smart for his age. He had curly hair which was currently down, brown doe eyes, heart shaped lips and small pointed nose. We had the same complexion.

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