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Victoria's p.o.v

This was the third day of our test and I just finished writing government. We were almost done then midterm is coming soo. Praise Jesus. I was in the field with Barakat and Rebecca, we were currently on the grass complaining about our easy government test.

"Omo, sexy mama did not even calm down for someone" Barakat groaned.

"Guy, as i saw Victoria pausing and not writing immediately, I knew it was over for me" Rebecca chuckled while I rolled my eyes playfully at her. Some of the questions she brought out were topics we were going to do in the coming weeks and luckily for me, i read ahead though i was a bit thrown off guard at the questions.

"I'm just happy it's over, can't be stressing this my head" Barakat typed away on her phone while I and Rebecca talked about raising things. King and Ibukun walked in arguing about something.

"These two fit" Barakat commented. I looked at them; King's eyes shone in amusement while he looked down at Ibukun who was furiously stating her point. They were an odd match yet somehow perfect. It was confusing how they seemed to bring out traits they don't show ; King's fun side and the talkative side of Ibukun.

"Though it's a triangle between him, her and Melissa. King is a confusing guy ,one day it's like it's Ibk then its Mel like pick one dude" Rebecca shook her head then turned to talk to Barakat. I continued to look at the two who had now stopped walking to continue their argument. I tried to imagine King and Ibukun together, would they be able to speak about their hidden scars? Would she finally breakdown her facade? Would he finally be vulnerable? Would they be able to heal--

"Earth to Adeleke" I jolted and looked up to see Ibukun and King staring down at me with their eyebrows raised.


"We were calling your name and you didn't even act like someone was talking, you just stared back at us" Ibukun sat next to me while King sat in front of me and stared at me.

"I was practicing how to be frozen turns out I'm good" I smiled at them cheekily.

"How was chemistry?"

"It was okay oo" they said in unison

"Why e no go okay for bosses like you?" I gave them a mock salute.

"I can't wait for it to be over " Barakat said. We nodded in agreement.

"Shebi we are still going to your aunt's house?"

"Yeah,she said it was cool" I replied.

"Wahala for who no get cool aunty oo" Ibukun commented while I stuck my tongue out at her.

"King" I turned to him smiling sheepishly.

"I know what you want to say. It depends on how I'm feeling, if I can come, I will. If not you guys should have fun" I pouted at him but was a little happy it wasn't a no. The bell for break rung which signified the end of the exams.

"Let's go back to the others" I pulled Ibukun up then we all walked back to class together. When we got back to the hall, we saw a crowd close to our class and there were loud voices. I quickened my pace worried that one of my friends might be entangled in this mess. We got closer to the scene and saw Yemisi and Ada going off at each other.

"You stupid bitch!!" Ada cursed at Yemisi who looked back at her unfazed before staring at her fingers while chewing gum.

"I'm suprised that you can form a sentence especially since you were born retarded"

"Who do you think you are? I'm your senior, you brat. Who gave you the right to meddle in my affairs? Are you mad?" Ada got closer to her face.

"I don't give a flying fuck if you're my senior,anyone who crosses my path will collect. Do you think anyone fears a common street dog like you? All you do is bark and jump around the other seniors trying to find acceptance" Yemisi hissed at her.

"You are not better!! Everyone knows the amount of boys that have been with you and how you are a public toilet" Ada smirked then moved closer to her "remember I know who damaged you bitch and I'm not afraid to use it against you" she laughed. I stared at Yemisi closely, there it was; the fear and disgust, self loath. Ada was breaking her but if there's one thing I know about Yemisi Coker, she will never breakdown in front of anyone especially her enemies. She stared at Ada before laughing,the girl was crying with her laughter. There were whispers around us.

They don give her better.

She's na forming hard girl.

Public toilet.

"If he sure for you ,say what you said in front of her" Ibukun called the guy and girls out while glaring at them. They respected themselves and shut up.

Yemisi moved closer to Ada and yanked her hair. There were gasps from all those present. Yemisi was pulling at her braids that I feared that the poor girl's hair may pull out.

"Yeah, I'm the public toilet and almost all the boys have been with me right? That's better than sucking off the vp to keep your position in the school. You will never be one of us so stop your pathetic clingliness and stop walking around these halls like you own it. You pollute these halls and disgrace the prestige of the scholarship given to you. Get the fuck with your pathetic ass" Yemisi pushed her on the floor and she landed on the floor with a loud thud. Yemisi then turned to the crowd.

"If any of you have a problem, come and challenge me directly. Don't hide like the cowards you are and say the shit you say behind my back to my face. I will give you a befitting reply. " She turned on her heel and walked away. The crowd slowly dispersed while Ada stayed on the floor,staring into the space. She didn't deserve most of what Yemisi said or did but Ada can be very annoying for real but her classmates never want to indulge in her matter cause according to some of them ,she won't be able to face anyone again.

"Omo" Becca commented. Omo was right, Yemisi's beef with this girl wasn't something anyone understood at this point. They just started attacking each other when my brother's set graduated. We tried to ask her but she waved it off saying she just found Ada's entire being disgusting.

We walked to the cafeteria and bought our foods and went back to the field. Onome was there with Elijah and they were reading. I smiled at them while chuckling in my mind about how cute they were. We all sat down and ate our food, talking about test, how we were gonna do our midterm and how fun it was gonna be.

~Moments later~

We had finished eating and were bored. We just sat down enjoying the silence.

"Wifey sing for us" Asi looked up at me from where she lay on my laps.

"Yes Vicky sing, I'm bored" Barakat supported.

"Please I dont want to be deaf" I'm sure you know who that was.

"Oya oo,I need to calm my nerves" Yemsi spoke up from where she was lying down. She was wearing a shade. I just chuckled at them before singing No woman no cry by Tems. As I started, they all were quiet. The song was an emotional song for me and I loved Tems. As i continued, I saw Asi fake crying, I chuckled at her antics. Eli and Prince were being dramatic too, they held on to each other and were muttering beautiful to me. I shook my head.

My feet is my only carriage
No, I've got to push on through
So while I'm gone

Everything's gonna be alright

As I sang this part, I stared at King who was already looking at me. I was subtly trying to tell him that everything was going to be okay even though I wasn't always going to be there. I finished, they all looked at me with unspoken emotions in their eyes. I just smiled at them gently.

A/n: What a chapter! Wassup kids how have you been? Your girl is done with Waec but Neco is next, God abeg but there will be more updates now as secondary comes to an end for me. What do you think about the chapter?

What do you think is the real reason of Ada and Yemisi's beef? Why did Victoria say she won't always be there for King ? What do you envision for their vacation? Let me know your theories.

Please vote,share and comment. Thank you for supporting my book as always ❤️. See you soon, byee ❤️ .

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