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Victoria's p.o.v

It was like Monday went in a blur, King came; I avoided him and everyone noticed. It gave my class girls the courage to mock me and make snide remarks. I could care less, I played Rema throughout yesterday while studying. Today was competition day, school had already been set but final preparations were being made. I walked with my pq to the field cause library was locked and almost everywhere in school was occupied.

I placed my book on the chair, wore my earpods and began to recite basic things in government.

"Rule of law; A.V dicey, Sovereignty; Jean bodin. The first military coup was in 1966 and was headed by......." I tried to pronounce the name properly when one of my earpods was removed from my ear.

"Can I sit here?" King looked at me calmly.
I collected my earpod from him.

"It's a free country" I said that before placing my earpod in my ear. To be honest, I was nervous like mad cause I don't know if things can be the same and I'm frustrated and confused right now. I'm overthinking,I feel choked.

"Victoria?" He looked at me with caution.


"I've been talking to you but it was like you could not hear me, are you okay?" He tried to touch me but I flinched a little.

"Don't dont touch me" I said quietly. I don't know why but I felt irked and worried. My head was slowly being filled with those thoughts and I was..was.. drowning.

Breathe, these thoughts don't shape you, you're not a monster, you won't attack yourself, you are strong, breathe. You are the best thing to happen to anyone, you are a good person.. you..you.

I felt King's arms slowly enclosing me in a hug. He rubbed my back slowly while I swallowed, pushing back my tears.

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay" King whispered in my ear as he rubbed my back slowly. As he continued saying those words, my mind slowly began to become clear. I felt lighter.

"I'm okay, thanks" he pulled away before staring at me.

"Take a picture, it will last longer" he didn't even reply but just continued staring.

"Hope I'm safe bayii, cause the way you dey look me, it's like......"

"I'm sorry" he blurted out.


"I'm sorry for being an idiot. I should have never transferred aggression on you. I... didn't mean..." I covered his mouth before he could continue.

"You meant it, don't lie" I dropped my hand. "I should have respected your privacy when you asked me to. I shouldn't have come to your house without knowing if it was okay, I should have waited. I'm sorry that you are in pain and I'm sorry for making your wound bigger. You meant what you said" he looked at me regret but I shrugged smiling.

"You know, it's easy to tell when people lie and say the truth. With someone like you, you weren't lying cause majority of the time you say the truth. Your pupils dilated ,your hands twitched and you take three short breaths and stop breathing when you're angry and angry King equals blunt King, so you meant it and I'm not angry cause I know these things. I'm just hurt that you think that way and I will do my best to reduce seeking attention from you and being clingy" He took my hands and started crying.

"Haewww, you dey cry like pikin? I never thought I'll see this day" I just chuckled when he hugged me and continued crying. I bit back my tears as he hugged me tightly.

"We'll talk when the competition is over right?" I pulled back to clean his face. He nodded in response.

"Oya back me" I jumped on his back. The goat didn't even budge like something was on his back and just steadied me so my school skirt wasn't opened. As we were walking out, we met David standing at the entrance looking between us.

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