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Victoria's p.o.v.

Today marks my first day of SS2 at Royal College. You're probably wondering why it is named that. Well.. I don't know either but what I do know is that the school is for rich kids and when I say rich, I mean owo ga ju owo lo rich. Offsprings of wealthy politicians, business men, influences, you name it. The only way you could see a student with a lower status attend this school is through a scholarship and trust me, scholarships are hard to attain at Royal College, though there have been and still some Einsteins who have been able to bag the scholarship.

I am currently getting ready for school. I observe myself in the mirror, my school uniform on which consists of a short sleeved blue blazer with a white button up long sleeved shirt and blue skirt with the school logo on the blazer and a blue tie. I eventually get tired of staring at the girl in the mirror and head towards my bed.

I grab my phone, headphones, school bag which I had already thoroughly packed the day before, switch off all electronics and make my way downstairs. On getting towards the dinning room, right before showing my face, I realized my dad was home. He and my mom were probably already having breakfast and making small talks.

Well, I guess it's now or never. I step into the dining room and immediately go on my knees.

"Ekaaro sir. Ekaaro mommy" I say, still on my knees. As expected, he didn't answer. My mom smiled at me and signalled for me to get up so I did just that and sat down. Next to my mom ofcourse. Aunt Kimopra came in and served me my food. I thanked her quietly and she nodded at me with a smile and left. Rule 1, no speaking around my dad until you're asked to do so.

Surprisingly and unsurprisingly, dad started to talk. Here we go.

"Hope you are ready for this session? Because I don't understand the result you brought for me last term " He started, still casually eating but I could hear the anger in his voice.

"I got second position. I'm sorry for my failure" I smiled a very fake smile, stood up and excused myself without touching my food. I can't do this this morning. It's too early. Mom tried calling me back but I only muttered a "see you in the afternoon" before leaving.

I went outside to meet my dearest driver, Uncle Chima.

"Good morning Uncle Chimoo!!" I said while smiling as we walked towards my car. "Good morning Tori" he said smiling too. We got into the car, me at the front passenger's seat ofcourse and he drove out of the compound.

I turned on the radio and Ed Sheeran's 'Shivers' filled the atmosphere. Exactly what I needed. I and uncle chima began to bop our heads to the song and I sang along with Ed sheeran. He was my vibe buddy. About 15 minutes later, we were already in the school's compound. We had already gone through security and all that so I alighted from the vehicle. I waved at Uncle Chima who waved back and I walked into my school building.

Royal College was a very big school. It was like an estate, it screamed sophistication and elegance. The first thing you would see when you get to the gate is the security post where you have to use the logo on your uniform and student ID to get inside the school. The school always made sure students got it before the resumption date to avoid stories that touch. After passing through the school security, you would get to the parking lot which was opposite the school stadium. The school stadium comprised of the basketball court and volleyball court although the football and swimming courts had their own areas. Adjacent the school stadium, were the school buildings. We had the school's administrative block which was opposite the school's stadium. After it was another building, the school clinic which was honestly like a mini hospital with qualified nurses available.

The school hall was at the centre of the school with student blocks, staff block, school library, laboratories, studios, cafeteria and garden, all littered around. Honestly, explaining the school's architecture is stressful so I'll only explain the student blocks. We had the senior block and the junior block, both shaped like an L form and gardens in the middle. The two blocks are three storeys tall.

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