Part 1

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General POV

The hate between two clans caused the war to break out and let many people die. Hyuga and Uchiha, the most powerful clans were greedy enough to kill other people just to be the greatest of all clans. The war breaks out and blood stained the ground while the area echoed by crying, screaming noises. The battle between Hyuuga and Uchiha were dangerous as the clans were skilled. The war raged until last two survivors from each clan remained.

Sasuke: "Tsk. My dad, my mom, all of my clan members are dead. Yet, this girl still managed to live? She's really strong." Uchiha let a sigh out of his mouth as he is barely standing.

Hinata: "I am at my limit, there is no one by my side right now. One Uchiha is still alive. If this continues, Hyuuga will be wiped out." She seems to have breathing problems as she has cuts and her chakara is at her limit.

Sasuke: "Hey, you. You are pretty strong huh? Too bad that you have to die." He told the Hyuuga girl which is standing while blood came down from her head.

Hinata: "Don't look down on me Uchiha, I could still keep up" She went into fighting stance again. Focused on all the chakara she left.

Sasuke: "I am impressed by her, she may be a woman but she isn't weak" He said as he smirked, ready to take down the girl and being the last Uchiha who won the battle.

Hinata: "Gentle fist: Twin Lion Fists."

Sasuke: "Chidori"

A loud thud was heard as Hinata fell down.

Sasuke: "Give up already, you are at your limit" Sasuke took a glance at the girl, trembling and getting up weakly.

Hinata: "I will never bow down to an Uchiha, I may be at my limit but I would die trying rather than giving up."

Sasuke: "Hn

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Sasuke: "Hn..." He was surprised by her words, no one had the courage like she does.

Sasuke POV

I watched her get up and tried to fight me again. I was also at my limit but losing to a girl would be very embarrassing. She fell again but this time she couldn't get up anymore.

Sasuke: "It would be such a waste to let a girl like you die. I might as well try to make use of you." He looked down at her.

I picked her body and I looked at her

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I picked her body and I looked at her. She is a fine woman. Pale eyes which is nearly lavender colored, Indigo silky hair, her round face, curves at where it needed to have, warm touch, fair skin and brave soul. She was indeed beautiful.

Sasuke: "Tsk" I let out a mock laugh to myself thinking that if it was enough to fall in love with her. I had a better goal. To kill Itachi who betrayed my clan and ran away.

I look at the Hyuga again, the blood from her was flowing endlessly. If it continues it would kill her.

Without considering he teared up some pieces of clothes from a dead body and soaked it in some water. Cleaning Hyuuga's wounds as well as his. He wrapped the cloth around Hinata's wounds to prevent the blood from flowing.

Sasuke: "Why am I even taking care of her, she is my enemy." He whispered to himself.

He checked the surrounding, saw lifeless bodies and he couldn't sense any living presence.

General POV

The sun is setting peacefully and the darkness showered the two people moving toward a cave, one walking while one is getting carried

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