Part 24

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I walked away from her to grab my clothes again because I know that I won't be able to take a bath with her.

Hinata: "Kyaa!!! Itachi-san!!"


I put on my clothes quickly and I entered the women's bath and saw Hinata wrapped in a towel.

Sasuke: "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I shouted. Itachi shook his head quickly and tried to defend himself from my attack.

Itachi: "Sasuke. Stop it. It wasn't on purpose." He said in a hurry as he is going to get killed b me any minutes now.

Sasuke: "WHY THE HELL SHOULD I BELIEVE YOU?" I continued to attack him with my Chidori.

Itachi: "I saw the red-headed girl enter the next room so I thought this is the men's room." I stopped when I heard his explanation. I glared at Karin and she ran away pretty quick.

Sasuke: "Are you ok Hina?" I forgot that she was still there as I was too focused on Itachi. She stood there watching us and she seems dizzy.

Hinata: "Yes. I am ok. I just got dizzy by watching you guys."

She chuckled and I realized that she is still in a towel. I quickly walked toward her and give her my cloak. The towel was short revealing her smooth pale and slim legs. My ears and face started to heat up a bit by my sudden thoughts. I didn't know she was this curvy because she wears baggy clothes so.

Itachi: "Love birds." Itachi whispered and I turned totally red this time. Hinata giggled at my expression.

Sasuke: "Shut up and stop staring at her." I scoffed. "I bet you are not in the mood for a bath now Hina. Let's have dinner? It's late." Itachi left and Karin was nowhere to be found.

Hinata: "Oki but let me put on my clothes first."

She went to her room and I waited outside of the room to show respect. After a while, she came out of the room with a pair of red pajamas. I wanted to chuckle at what I saw. It looks like Karin's clothes. She doesn't have any clothes since I am with her. I forgot!! Seeing her in a pair of bright red pajamas looks kind of funny. She prefers pale colors I thought.

Hinata: "Karin-san is so kind. She gave me her clothes"

Sasuke: "The color is so bright that I might go blind." I teased her and we laughed together.

Hinata: "Let's go?" She said enthusiastically. I nodded and grabbed her hand because if you are not familiar with this place, you can get lost easily.

Sasuke: "Don't let go of hand Hina." I didn't look back at her but I bet she is smiling right now.

[Hinata's POV.]

I smiled at his reactions. I noticed that he became kinder, nicer, and more caring to me. The way he holds my hands and the way he protects me from his brother. I smiled at my thoughts again. Is he showing affection toward me? I don't know for sure but I am starting to get attached to him. Is that how it feels to have someone who values you, Mother?' This feeling has been lost in me since my mother died now he is filling the hole again. His hand is big and warm and he is holding mine gently. I squeezed my grip on his hand and he tightened a little bit back. I could feel butterflies in my stomach and I feel happy, to be honest.

Itachi: "Come brother, join me."

The older Uchiha winked at the younger one. I saw Sasuke roll his eyes. They are the opposite though. Itachi has a friendly personality and Sasuke is kind of arrogant. I wonder if they are brothers. I giggled at my thoughts.

Itachi: "Hinata-chan come and sit beside me." He gave me a teasing smile and I just tittered. (Same as giggling)

Hinata: "Okay." Before I take a step, the raven shouted to his brother.

Sasuke: "She is sitting with me."

Jugo just watched us with a smile. Karin scoffed and Suigetsu is focusing on his meal. Sasuke sat down on a seat far away from his brother. Well, I didn't know where to sit because Itachi invited me to sit beside him while Sasuke wants me to sit near him. I was standing there until the gaze of Sasuke fell on me. I quickly took a seat beside him because who knows what will he do when he is mad.

Itachi: "Well, I will let you win and give you my girl, Sasuke" Sasuke gave a harsh glare but he continued teasing him and I just wanted to smile at them. A lovely brother teasing his beloved younger brother.

Sasuke: "Shut up. I am trying to eat."

Itachi always gets cold responses from Sasuke but he just smiled at them. When I try to eat my food and took a glance at Sasuke, I could see Sasuke smiling and trying to hide it. He is enjoying his brother's company I noticed. I just took a bite from the steak in front of me.

I could hear Karin and Suigetsu bickering and Jugo talking to a bird on his shoulders while Itachi is teasing Sasuke and Sasuke's groaning and giving cold answers back. I kind of feel lonely. Well, I am just a stranger to them. Two days ago, I met with these people and Itachi arrived today but at least he knows Sasuke. I sighed silently.

I will always be alone though. 'No one stays by your side Hinata.' I told myself not to expect other people to care for me. I am used to it any way but I wanted to have someone by my side. I decided to go to my room. I felt dizzy out of blue. I fought the feeling inside and claimed I was just exhausted. No one will even notice if I leave though. When I got up from my table, a strong arm snatched my wrist firmly.

Sasuke: "Are you ok Hina? You look pale." 'Am I even invisible?' I always ask that question to myself because no one cares for me. Yet, this person in front of me with a pair of onyx eyes noticed me. My brain replayed all the memories we had together, talking together, teasing each other, watching the moon, his kiss on my cheeks, everything we had done together. I could feel my heart beating faster, my face becoming red a bit, feeling flattered and thrilled inside.

"Is this something they call love?"

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