Valentine's Day Bonus Chapter

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Notice: Not relavent to the story.
Sorry for late.
Happy Valetine's Day Everyone.

          The girl got up from her bed while humming a tune and walked inside her bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled brightly. She started to wash her face, brush her teeth, and change her pajamas into a purple V-necked shirt with black comfortable long trousers. As she walked down to her kitchen, a sudden knock disturbed her. She quickly made her way toward the door and opened it gently. A gasp escaped from her lips as she saw roses and chocolates. She picked them up softly and checked her surroundings to see no one. She was slightly confused but she relaxed when she noticed the roses were so pretty and smelled nice. She gave a genuine smile to the anonymous who sent her these. What a beautiful morning. She mumbled and walked inside.
           Her thoughts wandered school days. Hinata was receiving love letters from someone unknown. It’s been like this for months and the person who gave letters to her didn’t show his identity. Whenever she walked inside the classroom and sat down on her seat, she would see a letter inside her desk. She remembered the first day when she got those. 
“Dear Hinata Hyuuga.
          Since the day I met you, I realized that you were the moon. You lit up the dark and give people hope like you did to me. Before I met you, I didn’t believe in angels. In my life, there were only darkness, nightmares, and horror but when I saw see you smiling, I felt happy, and gave me the courage to restart my twisted life again. To be a new person again. You changed me a lot Hyuuga, into a better person. People say that you are weak, smile and timid but I think you are kind, gentle, and strong and because of your pure soul you drove my nightmares away. Love wasn’t in my dictionary before I met you.
You are the sun that shines brightly throughout my day.
 You are the gravity that holds me down in every way.
 You are the moon that shimmers throughout my night.
 You are stars that glimmer oh so bright.
 You are the oxygen that keeps me alive.
 You are my heart that beats inside.
 You are the blood that flows through me.
 You are the only one I can see.
 You have the voice of when a mockingbird sings.
 You are my everything.
 You are my one and only.
 You stop me from being so lonely.
 I never want to lose you.
 I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
I love you dearly Hyuuga.
From anonymous.”
[End of flashback.]
            He might be the same person again. Hinata took a glance at the roses, red, white, yellow, pink, and even blue. It was 50 in total and that’s really a lot. She was happy to know that someone loves her personality and her true self. She grinned when she saw a card attached to the chocolate. She pulled the card out while her heart was pumping fast and her arms were shaking. The lavender scent greeted her as she opened the card.
“Dear Hinata Hyuuga.
      I know you think of me as a creep guy for sending you letters without showing my identity. I heard that you love flowers and especially red ones. I also heard that you love sweets so I hope you enjoy my chocolate.
      I would like to apologize for not telling you my name. When I fell in love with you, I was a bad guy with a dark past. I was afraid that I might drown you in my darkness and I tried to bury my feelings for you since I thought I didn’t deserve you. When I heard you saying to your friend that you won’t know unless you try, I felt embarrassed and ashamed for giving up on you. I started to change myself little and little and I am now a better person. I don’t know if you like me or not but I just wanted you to know how I feel about you.
     Please give me a chance Hinata. If you consider this, please come to Konoha park and I will be waiting for you till 1 P.M. If you want to call your friends it’s okay. It would be dangerous for a girl like you to come out alone.
I love you Hinata Hyuuga.”
     Hinata rubbed her temple as she sighed. It seems that this guy is madly in love with her. She can see that he admires her a lot and he changed into a better person just for her. It would be sad to turn him down. My heart belonged to Sasuke Uchiha. I loved him since childhood and I stayed away from him and concealed my feelings since he hates fangirls. It wouldn’t hurt to meet this guy though. He put a lot of effort for me. Her hands ran on her phone as she called her friend.
Temari: “Hello, Hinata what’s wrong?” A cheerful voice came out from the phone as Hinata smiled.
Hinata: “If you are free, would you love to accompany me to a date Temari-san?” She spoke softly and she bit her lips nervously waiting for her answer.
Temari: “Oh my, did that bastard ask you out?” She screamed through the phone.
Hinata: “No, He didn’t. He isnt a bastard Temari-san. It’s just the guy who kept sending me love letters in school.” She heard an amused chuckle from Temari’s side from his boyfriend Shikamaru.
Shikamaru: “So, he finally decided to tell you huh?” His voice made Hinata confused.
Hinata: “Do you know who is he?” She asked with curiosity.
Temari: “You are dumb but anyway. I will be there in 5 minutes. Let’s give you a makeover.” She ended the call without waiting for Hinata’s answer.
[To Konoha’s Park.]
Naruto: “Nervous aren’t you?” He teased his friend who is standing next to him while sweating in cold weather.
Sasuke: “Hn.” That’s all he responded. He looked at the time and it was already 11. His hope started to lose and his cool started to disappear.
Naruto: “I can’t believe it, man. All of the girls and why Hinata?” The blonde looked at the raven confused.
Sasuke: “Because I see her special when you guys don’t.” He let out a shaky breath and his chest hurt. ‘Is she not coming?’ That thought alone hurt him.
Shikamaru: “Don’t be so worried. Temari went to her house and she is probably choosing her outfit. What a drag.” That’s all he needed to hear. So, she is coming after all. He regains his cool and breathed in deeply and waiting for whatever to come next.
[10 minutes later.]
Shikamaru: “That is Temari’s car. Naruto let’s go”
          He walked away lazily with his loud blonde friend leaving the Uchiha nervous. He looked at the car and there’s she come. She wore a simple white T-shirt with short jeans that reached to her middle thighs along with black sneakers. She looks simple yet attractive for the Uchiha. The car drove off slowly as she waved back to the person inside the car. She took a glance at him and looked at him puzzled. Each step she took to get to him, his heart beats faster and faster.
Hinata: “S-Sasuke-kun?” Her soft angelic voice snapped the raven out of his thoughts who wore a simple V-neck gray T-shirt with black jeans.
Sasuke: “T-thanks for coming Hinata.” Hinata wanted to chuckle at the man in front of her who is blushing. She never thought he could do this. Her eyes went wide when reality hit her.
Hinata: “Wait, a-are you the o-one?” The one she loved secretly loved was also in love with her?
Sasuke: “Ah. Where are my manners? I am Sasuke Uchiha. We were in the same school since elementary school. Yes, I was the one who gave you the letters.” He said while smiling leaving a shocked Hyuuga.
Hinata: “I-I never thought you could do something like this.” She gasped when she realized she said it out loud. She quickly lifted her hands and waved to the Uchiha to get a chuckle from him.
Sasuke: “It’s okay. I never thought I would do them also.” He looked at the girl with eyes filled with love who was in front of him and learned a few inches shorter than him.
Hinata: “I am really thankful for the letters. Sasuke-kun.” She was blushing slightly and her heart was a mess. She felt butterflies in her stomach and she felt happy.
Sasuke: “So… I know it’s sudden but Hinata I really loved you. I am not good at words and I am sorry for that. I am sorry for being a coward but I just wanted to be a good man before confessing to you. I fell deeply in love with you Hinata. Would you like to be my girlfriend and give me a chance?” He said seriously hoping that she would agree.
Hinata: “Can you repeat it again?” She felt numb and she felt overexcited and happy that she couldn’t even react properly.
Sasuke: “I love you.” He said slowly and his voice was almost shaking.
Hinata: “I feel the same Sasuke-kun. To be honest, I loved you for a long time for 10 years to be exact.” She gave him the happiest smile that she has ever done. Sasuke was frozen and he didn’t know how to respond. He thought he would get rejected but he was wrong.
Sasuke: “Thank you Hinata. For loving me a long and sorry for not noticing.” He caressed her cheeks with his thumbs and landed a kiss on her forehead.
[Time skips]
          Sasuke took a glance at the peaceful figure who is focused on her book. Yes, they went to the library for their date after having their lunch at a fancy dinner. Even though he wasn’t fond of reading, he knew that Hinata loves books. So he suggested this place and it was worth it after seeing her sparkled eyes after she saw different kinds of books. Now, she is sitting in front of him reading the book he bought for her. She seems to love it and he would buy this whole damn Library if it would make her happy. Duh.
Hinata: “Thank you Sasuke-kun. For today, I had fun.”
          Her sweet voice pulled me back to reality and he realized that they were in front of her house. When she was unbuckling her seat belt, he has already opened the door for her. She blushed slightly at his actions and she knew that he was different from the one in the school.
Sasuke: “Would you love to hang out some other day?”
          A smile escaped her thin lips as she nodded for her reply. Sasuke leaned in and closed the gasp between them by hugging her. Their faces were inches away and Hinata got lost in those beautiful onyx eyes gleaming with happiness. She closed her eyes as she felt Sasuke moving closer. A pair of soft lips kissed her softly and gently. It was short yet Hinata enjoyed it.
Sasuke: See you later my love.  


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