Part 38

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[To Hinata and Sasuke] [Third person's POV.]

     There was a lifeless body lying on the ground. Sasuke approached the body with shaky legs praying that it was not his brother. When he got a better look, he was wrong. Itachi was lying with blood flowing down from his mouth. Hinata quickly ran toward the body and checked his heartbeat while Sasuke was already crying. A gasp from Hinata made Sasuke flinched.

Hinata: "I can't sense his heartbeat...." Before Sasuke blackout, all he heard was Hinata's voice.

Hinata: "I'm sorry Sasuke."

[Back to Naruto and others]

Naruto: "Crap." A loud explosion was heard and dust covered the area. Naruto couldn't see anything but Sakura's healing Chakara.

Obito: "You are late Madara." His stern voice shocked the people. Madara Uchiha who is known as god is their enemy? People felt fear in their blood and Madara is someone they don't want to fight against.

Madara: "That Uchiha brat was stalling me."

     He went up to 10 tailed head and joined Obito. Naruto flinched as he thought of a certain person. The former teammate of Team 7 is knwon as an S-ranked criminal these days. Sasuke Uchiha.

Naruto: "What do you mean by Uchiha brat? "Sakura was also shaking with the thought of losing her crush.

Madara: "Itachi Uchiha, the one who was titled as a traitor. Such a shame that even though he risked his clan for the village sake's but still known as a villain." Naruto learned the truth from the 5th Hokage that he was ordered. If Madara is here it means that 5 kages have been lost.

Naruto: "No way...." Naruto took a glance at the surroundings and saw lifeless bodies. People are dying from 10 tails attack. Yet, he can't do a thing.

[Back to Sasuke and Hinata]

     Sasuke opened his eyes and blinked as his eyes adjusted the light. 'What happened?' He thought. He remembered that he blacked out after Hinata used her gentle fist on him.

Sasuke: "Itachi? Where is Itachi?"

     He quickly got up and check the surrounding. Hinata was sitting in front of Itachi's body when her hands produced a green light. 'Was she healing him? But he was already dead...' Sasuke walked toward Hinata weakly while looking at the two people he loves with lifeless eyes.

Sasuke: “He is already dead Hina.”

     Sasuke spoke weakly and his throat was dry and it hurts. Hinata didn't respond but focused healing on Itachi while tears escaped from her eyes.

Hinata: “He is going to live. For you, I will try my best.”

     Sasuke sat down near Hinata who is crying. When the raven reached out to comfort her, he felt his hands burnt when he touched her shoulders.

     A light purple chakara surrounded Hinata as Sasuke was frozen. Sasuke saw Hinata's eyes change state as she opened her eyes again. The healing chakara turned purple and Sasuke watched her in awe as he could hear Itachi's heartbeat again.

Sasuke: “Hina....?” The Uchiha never knew that she is capable of doing this. His thoughts were dismissed when Itachi opened his eyes and smiled at the raven.

Sasuke: “Itachi you idiot.” Before Itachi could react, Sasuke was already hugging him.

Itachi: “Sorry brother for making you worry.” He hugged me back while I am fighting my tears.

     Hinata was watching the two brothers reunion with a faint smile on her face. She was happy that she could save Itachi but no one will ever know that she used a forbidden Jutsu. She felt her vision becoming a blur and something warm is coming down from her nose. She quickly checked it and knew it was blood. It's tensaigen, every time she uses it, it would cause damage to her Byakugan and her body weaken.

Sasuke: “Go back to the hideout Itachi, you are in no shape to fight.” Itachi didn't protest and tried to get up but his legs couldn't keep up.

Itachi: “I will have to rest for a while, my chakara is drained.” He whined and sat down again.

Hinata: “Summoning Jutsu.”

Sasuke activated Sharingan as a giant wolf-like beast appeared

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Sasuke activated Sharingan as a giant wolf-like beast appeared. He stopped his dojutsu when he saw the beast bowed toward Hinata.

Yuki: “How can I help you Hinata-sama.” ‘ So it's her summoning animal huh? I have never seen one like this.’ Sasuke was overthinking that he almost missed Hinata's order.

Hinata: “Yuki-san. Please escort this man safely to the Orochimaru hideout. I am sorry for the trouble.” She said softly and Sasuke noticed that she treats them like her friends not like her servants.

Yuki: “It would be a pleasure to help you Hinata-sama. Please be safe in the war.” Hinata gave a nod and smiled at the wolf.

Hinata: “Itachi-san, please rest well and you don't have to worry about her harming you. She is trained.” While Itachi left with the wolf.

Sasuke: “Hina your nose is bleeding.” Sasuke walked toward Hinata and wiped her blood carefully.

Sasuke: “That was tensaigen right? I have read in the books.” Sasuke said calmly while cupping her cheeks. Hinata just nodded as her vision hasn't returned to normal yet.

Sasuke: “Hina you okay? Let's rest for a bit.” His voice was mixed with concern as Hinata was paler than usual.

Hinata: “I will be fine. Let's go the war isn't waiting.” She assured Sasuke with her sweet smile and Sasuke agreed.

[To Naruto and others]

Madara: “Listen Naruto,
everywhere you look in this world,

wherever there is light, there will always be shadows to be found as well.

As long as there is a concept of victors,
the vanquished will also exist.

The selfish intent of wanting to preserve peace initiates war.

and hatred is born in order to protect love. There are nexus causal relationships that cannot be separated.

So I shall change this world.

A world of only victors.
A world of only peace.
A world of only Love.

I will create such a world and I shall wipe out this shinobi world and recreate again.«

Naruto: “.....” Naruto couldn't do a thing. His chakara was drained. The shinobis have already lost their will to fight. They are losing for sure. ‘Should I give up?’ he said to himself.

Sasuke: “You are still as clumsy as ever Naruto.”

Sakura: “S-Sasuke-Kun?”

Naruto: You sure took your time getting here Sasuke, Hinata.

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