Part 29

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Sasuke: “It’s all right Hina. I will be there with you by your side.” 
     I gave a nod and smiled brightly. His words gave me the strength to face my fears. Just being near him always made me safe. From the moment he held me and comforted me last night, I knew that my feelings developed. I have fallen for the Uchiha Sasuke. I love him.
Itachi: “A month from now on we will make our move.” His voice was demanding and sincerity on his face proved that he was serious. 
Sasuke: “Tsk. I am going to train.” The raven stood up and reached for the door’s knob while others got up from the seats including me.
Itachi: “Hinata-chan, can I have a minute with you in private?” He doesn’t seem to be joking this time though.
Hinata: “Sure.” I quickly gave a reply and started to follow where he is heading to.
Sasuke: “Nii-san. It better not be nonsense or pervert things.”
     Sasuke has a frown on his face as I giggled at his reaction. ‘How much does Sasuke trust his brother?’ But I love it when Sasuke is worried about me.
Itachi: “I am hurt Sasuke, you are so cruel with your words.” Itachi gave a hurt reaction while his hand-gathered in front of his left chest. I chuckled out loud because it was pretty funny.
Sasuke: “Hn. Hina I permit you to kill him if he does something to you.” I could see Itachi hiding behind the sofa with a pale face.
Suigetsu: “The great Itachi was defeated by his brother's affection.” He was laughing till tears came out until Karin hits him. Well, it’s not a strange thing for me anymore.
Karin: “Shut up Pig brain. Your voice is annoying.” Karin shouted and walked away.
Sasuke: “See you. Hina.” 
    He waved his hands and I gave a nod and a genuine this time. ‘If you notice how I look at you, I hope you will understand how much I love you Sasuke.’ 
     This hideout is kind of creepy, to be honest, it’s similar to the one where I trained, an underground structure. Dark and creepy but the only difference is there is no father to scold me or make me train, there are no eyes to watch every detail I do. Moreover, I have friends here, the people I love and cherish are here. Sasuke is here. Itachi led me to the outside of the building and went to the training ground. 
Itachi: “Hinata. Listen to me carefully.” He closed his eyes and let out a sigh before he spoke. I was very curious about what he will say because he is serious and he seems broken somehow. 
Itachi: “Being the opponent of Madara is not easy Hinata. He is a powerful shinobi and known as a god. I can’t guarantee that I will come back alive or even defeat him.” I don’t know why but his words make me sad.
Itachi: “I also have a lung disease which cannot be cured. I don’t have much time left.” His voice became shaky when I already cried.
Itachi: “Don’t cry Hinata-chan. Sasuke will kill me if I made you cry.” He seemed really scared of his brother by looking at his pale face when he mentioned ‘Sasuke will kill me'. I wiped my tears but a sob escaped from my lips.
Hinata: “W-why are you telling me this? Does Sasuke-san know this?” I said curiously as I know this is not the point of his speech.
Itachi: “I haven’t told him yet, It’s better If he doesn’t know.” He sighed and ruffled his hair.
Itachi: “Take care of my brother Hinata.” He looked at me with the same beautiful eyes as Sasuke. I gave a nod slowly and sighed silently. It’s destined for him to die. All I can do is fulfill his last wish.
Hinata: “I know, it’s just a short time we met but I really see you as my brother Itachi-san. Even though, I am a stranger to you guys, I feel like I have known you guys for a long time. Thanks for loving Sasuke and taking care of him. Sasuke-san loves you and I can tell that. I vow to protect him with my life since he spared me in the war.”
Itachi: “You love him don’t you?” His question makes me jump suddenly. I could feel my face is totally red as I got caught off guard.
Hinata: “W-well, y-you see. I-I… I do love him but it’s not because of his looks I swear. I love him because he is a really kind, gentle and caring person. I love him because he is Sasuke. Even though he was called a rogue ninja and ruthless and arrogant I don’t think they are true. He is really a good person and he just lost his way if I can I would love to be the light of his darkness and lead him to the right path because I love him so much and I think that he deserves more than just hate from people.

 I felt really light to open up to someone just like yesterday night

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 I felt really light to open up to someone just like yesterday night.
Itachi: “I have nothing to say about it. You would make such a great sister-in-law.”
      He chuckled and opened his arms toward me. I went into his embrace and hugged him.

This feeling is different from hugging Sasuke

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This feeling is different from hugging Sasuke. Itachi is like an older brother to me. I heard footsteps behind me and looked at that person.
Hinata: “Sasuke-san. It’s not what you think.” I spoke in a hurry because I don’t want him to get the wrong idea.
Sasuke: “I know Hina.” He chuckled and I was confused for a bit. Yesterday, he was overprotective though. “Karin is looking for you Hina.” He whispered and I left to give the brothers some alone time. 
[3rd person’s POV.]
Itachi: “You aren’t yelling at me for hugging your girl?” The older Uchiha teased at his brother who is staring at the back of the Hyuuga.
Sasuke: “She is not mine.” The younger one spoke calmly. 
“Not yet but will be soon.” He mumbled under his breath.

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