Part 16

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She whispered to my ears which caused me to stiffen. Her voice is a melody to my ears. Her touch makes me shiver. Her smile makes me happy. I realized that I have been paying too much attention to her. I pulled her back a little and gave her a small smile.
Sasuke: “You are acting like a child Hina. She laughed and went out of my grip. 
I am already missing her scent and warmth.”
Hinata: “I can calm down after seeing that death glare of Karin-san.” She teased. I looked back and Karin was giving a glare to Hina. She just continued laughing. 
Suigetsu: “Sasuke hugged a girl!!!” He shouted. I threw a kunai that passed through near his face which caused him to shut up.
Sasuke: “Shut up or I will use your head as my Kunai target.” I glared at him. He gulped and went back to his business. 
Hinata: “You are scary Sasuke-san.” She giggled. 
Sasuke: “I am always like that.” I shrugged my shoulders. “What will you make for dinner?” I asked while setting the tent. 
Hinata: “Tomato soup and some grilled fish.” She washes the tomatoes carefully while Jugo comes and helps me.
Jugo: “It isn’t like you Sasuke.” He whispered to me. I took a glance at Hinata she doesn’t seem to hear us.
Sasuke: “Hn. I am still me.” My eyes brows furrowed. I know I am a bit acting strange but I am still Sasuke. 
Jugo: “You look like a father to her.” He chuckled a bit.
Sasuke: “That’s not the point is it?” I know that Jugo wants to say something but is afraid to piss me off. 
Jugo: “You seem to care for her and you smile and laugh with her Sasuke. Do you have feelings for her?” He got serious.
Sasuke: “Maybe. I just feel pity for her. Something about her makes me feel like I should take care of her. It’s like I can’t talk harshly or I can’t harm her.” I sighed. “I don’t know anymore.”
Jugo: “You are starting to have feelings for her Sasuke. It’s normal you know. To have someone you care or love about. It keeps you going. Maybe she is the one for you.” He patted my shoulder and left me alone with my thought.
I can’t have feelings for anyone or someone. I need to kill Itachi, I need to revive my clan. Well, I need a wife but not now. I can’t fall in lo… A pair of soft hands landed on my cold palm.
Hinata: “Are you ok sasuke-san?” But when she cares for me even though I am her enemy, I feel like this world isn’t as cruel as I think. 
Sasuke: “Hmm. I am fine Hina.” I squeezed her tiny hands and saw her smile. 
Hinata: “Ok then. Let’s eat. It’s already done.” She gently pulled my hands and started walking toward Karin. 
Hinata: “Sorry for the wait. Let’s eat.” She sat down and hands me a bowl filled with tomato soup and a grilled fish,
Sasuke: “Look nice. “I mumbled but loud enough for Hina to hear,
Suigetsu: “Ne, Sasuke. How does hugging Hinata feel? Does it feel good?” I saw Hinata become red like a tomato.
Hinata: “S-sorry. I d-didn’t m-mean t-to.” She is even shuttering.
Sasuke: “You should get used to Suigetsu teasing Hina.” Karin punched Suigetsu face and they started bickering. “And also their fighting,” I added. She chuckled.
Hinata: “You forgot to add Jugo’s quiet attitude and your ‘Hn’ Sasuke-san.” I chuckled at her ‘Hn’ sound.
Jugo: “Sasuke sounds more real when saying ‘Hn’ Hinata.”
Hinata: “His ‘Hn’ is the original after all.” She looked at me and smiled. 
Sasuke: “Alright, enough with this ‘Hn’ and have your dinner. Suigetsu and Karin also eat.” I scolded.
Karin: “Sasuke-kun is so cool when he is serious.” I rolled my eyes. I don’t want to ruin my good mood.
[Time skips.]
Jugo: “So Sasuke and Hinata-san will take the first watch? Are you ok with that Hinata-san?” He asked Hinata. Jugo is always caring like this.
Hinata: “Yes, I don’t sleep at this hour usually so.” She assured Jugo who nodded.
Suigetsu: “Then, time for bed.” He said while yawning.
Karin: “Take care Hinata.” Karin, Jugo, and Suigetsu went inside their tents leaving us alone Me and Hinata. I took a glance at her. She is scanning the area with Byakugen. 
Sasuke: “You can rest Hina. I am here.” I sat down and lay back facing the sky.
Hinata: “I think you can also rest. I have set up a formation.” She sat down near me. I didn’t reply to her as I was watching the stars. 

Hinata: “My mom told me once that ‘When it rains, look for rainbow and when it is dark, look for stars

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Hinata: “My mom told me once that ‘When it rains, look for rainbow and when it is dark, look for stars.’ When my mom was still alive, she and I used to count stars and tell stories.” Her eyes sparkled at the mention of her mother.
Sasuke: “That’s cool.” She looks serious and her gaze was focused on the moon. 
Hinata: “Yes, also I used to water my flowers and eat cinnamon buns with her. She is a gentle and kind lady who is strong.” She smiled brightly. 
Sasuke: “I can see it in you.” I looked at her and she turned to me. Again, I can see her lavender eyes filled with happiness and warmth. No matter how many times I have looked at those orbs, I can never get tired of them.
Hinata: “What do you mean Sasuke-san?” She doesn’t understand what I mean.
Sasuke: “Hina also. You are kind, gentle, and caring.” I talked slowly yet I put effort and meant every word I said.
Hinata: “Really? Thanks.” She was flattered and amused. I wonder how can a person get so happy by some words.
Sasuke: “Do you want to……... count the stars? I looked away with a hint of embarrassment in my voice.
Hinata: “I would love to.” She giggled.
     That night, she talked about herself and I happen to know that she really loves her mother. We counted the stars and she shared with me the stories that her mother told. Not too long after that, she fell asleep beside me. Her chest went up and down with the rhythm. Her hair fell down to her face a bit. Her pink lips mumbling about something. I chuckled at what I saw. I ‘gently’ picked her up and laid her down on her bedsheet. I caressed her hair and leaned close to her. With a kiss on her forehead,
“Have a sweet dream with your mother, princess.”

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