Part 5

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He stared into my eyes without blinking and at that moment, I thought the time stopped and it felt like forever. His hands are warm. I can feel his warm breath passing through my face and somehow…
My heart skipped a beat.
“That was impressive. You are skilled” He said it slowly turning his head away.
Hinata: “T-thanks.” I felt my eyes get wet suddenly.
Sasuke: “Oi What’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
Hinata: “No. It’s just that I have never praised before.” I felt happy all of the sudden. Even my dad has never told me like this before.
Sasuke: “What? You are good though.” He looked surprised.
Hinata: “My dad is never satisfied with me. He would tell me to work harder.” I looked at the ground and bit my lips.
Sasuke: “You don’t need the others to accept you Hinata. I know you are good.”
Hinata: “thanks. Sasuke-san. I needed that. “
Sasuke: “Hn. Let’s get going.” He started to walk away.
Hinata: “Hai(Yes).” I felt happy in my life for the first time and I ran after him to catch him. He was already far away. He knew I was behind and he slowed his pace. I giggle when I thought that he is mean but he is also kind sometimes.
Sasuke: “What are you laughing about?” He turned back to me and asked with his usual cold tone.
Hinata: “Nothing. Where are we going now?”
Sasuke: “You rarely go outside right?”
Hinata: “Yes? This is the third time that I go outside.”
Sasuke: “Come. I will take you somewhere.”
He handed me his hand and his face softened a bit while looking at me. My heart beat faster. I have never been with boys except for my dad or trainers. My body moved on its own. Grabbing his hand. Soft and warm…
Sasuke: “Let’s go”. A smile forced the way to his face. He looks more handsome when he smiles.
Hinata: “Hai.” I said softly. I could feel my mouth forming a smile. A real smile.
Still Hinata’s POV.
I walked slowly as my eyes are covered with a blindfold. Sasuke is carefully guiding me to walk while he holds my hand gently. I could feel the grass brushing through my feet whenever I take another step. I feel at peace even though I am with my enemy, an Uchiha.
I can hear the birds chipping and I realized that we are somewhere high because the wind got stronger. I can feel him lets go of my hand and take the blindfold off.

I couldn’t even talk

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I couldn’t even talk. I felt like I was in heaven. The clouds in the sky drifted with the wind while the ground is filled with endless flowers row. Yellow, purple, blue, magenta, pink, white. So many colors yet not so bright. The flowers are going back and forth with the wind. Greens grasses are making the flowers look more colorful. Butterflies, enjoying their time flying from one plant to another. I forgot to breathe. Just how beautiful the earth can be. I heard steps behind me but I didn’t look back. My eyes were stuck to the view that has in front of me.
Sasuke: “Do you like it? Hinata.” Sasuke's voice came into my brain. I suddenly turned back. He wasn’t too far away from me. Just 5 steps. Still, I ran to him. Making both of us fall when my chest touched his. I put my hands behind him and hugged him so tight while I buried my head into his chest. Smelling his fragrance.
Hinata: “Thanks you Sasuke-san. I whispered.” I felt his chin above me and he hugged me back. Rubbing my back like he is comforting me.
Sasuke: “You don’t have to run you know. How childish.” His voice isn’t cold anymore. I heard him chuckle a little bit. I back off a bit and I can feel my face heat up because I acted without considering and hugging him.
Hinata: “Sorry. I got too excited.” I smiled again. From the bottom of my heart for a person, I will cherish it from now on.
Sasuke’s POV.
I have seen her smile before but this time I can tell it’s different. She is really happy. I also am happy right now. Forgetting all the memories I had in past and treasuring the present. I saw her get up and she walks toward the hill. Sitting down under the sun and enjoying the moment. I stared at her back. She looks really beautiful.

I smiled again

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I smiled again. I leaned the tree behind me and I closed my eyes. The heat from the sun is covered by the tree and the cool air is blowing slowly. I wish this could last forever.

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