Part 21

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I suddenly pulled her into a hug. I hugged her so tight like I am telling her what I feel inside. Her arms wrapped around my back and comforted me like she knows how I feel. She patted my back and stroked my hair gently. 
Hinata: “I am here Sasuke-san. It will be ok.” Her sweet words echoed through my ears and 
for the first time. I felt safe and Happy.”
[End of Sasuke’s Flashback]
 Sasuke: “I am tired and I want to live happily. No more killing.” I got up from the seat and started to walk away.
Orochimaru: “Is that because of that girl?” His words made me flinch. 
Sasuke: “Hn.” I didn’t answer and left him to find Hinata. She must be sad and upset right now. 
Suigetsu: “Sasuke!!!” He waved at me. Grr, I am not in the mood to deal with him now. I took a glance at them and Hinata wasn’t with them. I went toward them to find a clue about where Hinata was. 
Jugo: “Sasuke. Hinata hasn’t returned yet. It’s already dark. It’s dangerous for her.” He said worriedly. I agree with Jugo. Hinata isn’t familiar with this place. I wasn’t worried about her getting killed because she was strong but I am afraid that she might get lost. 
Sasuke: “I am going to find her. How’s the room?” I looked at Karin who is moving her things. 
Jugo: “We have moved the things though. Are you ok with staying with us? I mean Suigetsu you know.” I sighed. Suigetsu is the opposite of me. Always making jokes, teasing others, being talkative, and bickering. 
Sasuke: “I will manage. Summoning Jutsu.” A giant snaked appeared after my summon. My trusted animal. “Aoda.” I saw him shirking into a normal snake and bowed at me.
Aoda: “Sasuke-sama. It’s been a long time. What’s the matter Sasuke-sama?” Aoda is good at fighting and he has saved me many times.
Sasuke: “Here.” I handed him a piece of cloth. “Can you find her?” I asked sternly.
Aoda: “Isn’t this Hinata-sama smell?” His question surprised me made me curious.
Suigetsu: “Whoa, Hold on. Did he just call ‘Hinata-sama’? How bias? He calls me Suigetsu.” He pouted but I am not focused on his joke. 
Sasuke: “You have never called someone like that except me.” I raised an eyebrow. Aoda is deep in thoughts and I remarked it was recalling his memories. 
Aoda: “It’s like I am under her control Sasuke-sama. She is also like you Sasuke-sama. She can summon me and ask for my help. Maybe someone from the Uchiha clan permitted her but I was never summoned by her.” His eyes weren’t lying. How come he doesn’t know her but follow her?
Sasuke: “Who would permit her? Hyuuga and Uchiha are enemies.” Something isn’t right. 
Aoda: “It’s like a seal Sasuke-sama. Hinata-sama carries a beast with her. Like tailed beast but her beast was something dangerous, strong, and rare. She can control tailed beasts and also summoning animals.” Hinata never told me about that. I need to ask her. Hinata-sama doesn’t know about I think. He continued. I nodded at Aoda.
Sasuke: “So, do you know where is she?” I almost forgot that I was finding her. 
Aoda: “She is near the river Sasuke-sama.” I gave him a pat on his hand and released him. I went into the wood to find Hinata. I never knew this place has a river though. I activated my Sharingen to check the surroundings and I found her. She is sitting. 
Sasuke: “Hina.” I called her in a low tone to get her attention. I could see tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and walked toward me.
Hinata: “I didn’t mean to leave like that. I just needed some time.” She was avoiding eye contact and her head was down staring at the ground.
Sasuke: “Hina. Say. Do I look uglier than the ground?” I tried to tease her and make her feel better. She looked up and stare at me with a questioning look. I wanted to laugh at her expression. 
Hinata: “No? You look handsome Sasuke-san? Why you ask?” I bet she felt better by seeing her chuckle. 
Sasuke: “You were looking at the ground, not me so. I thought I was ugly.” I teased her again making her embarrassed. 
Hinata: “I-It’s not l-like that. I was just…” Now, she is shuttering and I smirked.
Sasuke: “I was just what? Or maybe I am too handsome that you can’t stop your thinking about me?” I continued teasing and she became totally red this time and she even covered her face with her palms.
[Hinata’s POV.]
     I could feel my face heating up and my heart beating so fast. I am so embarrassed that I can even die right now. 
Hinata: “P-please. S-stop t-teasing Sasuke-san.”
     I am even shuttering now. I could hear his chuckle but I was too uncomfortable that I couldn’t even enjoy his joke. I was covering my face with my palms to prevent him from seeing my red face but failed. I could see his body heat coming closer and I stepped back until my back bumped into a tree trunk. My head was between his hands and he pinned me. I looked away to stop my heart beating so fast and my blush. His hand lifted my chin and met his obsidian eyes. I couldn’t move a muscle but stared into his eyes. 
     His oval-shaped face is supported by thin jaws, making it looks like a standard person, His intimidating personality doesn’t suit his charming face. White teeth resemble pearls hide behind his thin lips under a straight pointed nose. His eyebrows are not too thin or not too thin and look perfect above his sharp eyes with Obsidian pupils. I will admit it. His face is flawless and good-looking.

     He leaned closer to me. Our faces were inches away. I could feel his warm breath passing through my face and I shivered at his smirk. It’s too much. I can’t handle it. If this continues I’m going to faint now. I closed my eyes to stop myself from thinking and tried to escape. 
Sasuke: “You look adorable when you are like this Hina.” His jaw is on my shoulder and he whispered into my ears. I was expecting him to Kiss me. Wait, what am I thinking!! Stop Hinata. You are an honorable lady. Control yourself. My brain stopped working when he blows air into my ears softly. My heart is beating fast again and my face is turning red. Sasuke-san. You are tutoring me. 
Itachi: “My, my. I didn’t know my brother is that romantic.”

__________________________________________________________________________Author: Wipe an imaginary nosebleed while writing

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Author: Wipe an imaginary nosebleed while writing.

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