Part 3

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I left the cave and checked the outside. I found nothing but corpses. I went into the forest and found some berries. First I only picked for me and her image reflected me.
Bandaged arms and cuts and wounds on her bodies. I saw as I treated her wounds.
I let out a sigh and picked more for her too.
Sasuke: “Why do I have to take care of her? Tsk.” I came back I saw her near the fire. Grilling some fish. She changed her outfit. Purple… A shirt that is a little bit bigger than her body and purple pants that reaches over her knees. It is not that stylish yet she looks nice I guess?
Hinata: “Welcome back Uchiha-sama.” She said to me without looking at me.
Sasuke: “How do you know I am back?”
Hinata: “A habit I suppose. Here.” She gave me the grilled fishes.
It smells good. Taste good enough for a man who just ate fruits for like 5 days. I thought. I am not good at cooking. We didn’t have time for a good meal because of war.
Hinata: “Uchiha-sama. I am really grateful that you saved me but treating you like master is a problem for me. I have never treated anyone like that expect my father.” She said softly as if she is saying me to rethink about it.
Sasuke: “Call me Sasuke. I was just kidding back then.”
Hinata: “Really? Thanks.” She smiled cheerfully.

“How can she smile when she is injured and stuck in a cave with an enemy?” I said to myself

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“How can she smile when she is injured and stuck in a cave with an enemy?” I said to myself.
Hinata: “Hinata. Hinata Hyuuga.”
Sasuke: “Hn.”
Silence came as we were just eating our dinner. I look at her. She is sitting on her knees and her hair is slipping to her face. The way she holds the fish and munched it was kind of peaceful. Unlike me, I am so stiffed and not pleased at something. I cut my thoughts and I was going to take a bite.
Hinata: “Be careful. It’s still hot.” I heard her soft voice filled with concern.
Sasuke: “Ok”
Hinata: “So what are we going to do next? Sasuke-san. Would you like to do anything?”
Sasuke: “To kill someone and get stronger.”
Hinata: “I see.”
Sasuke: “You?” I turned to her.
Hinata: “I haven’t figure it out.”
Sasuke: “Then come with me and help me to fulfill my goal.”
Hinata: “I think so. I have nothing to do.: She looked away.
Sasuke: “Hn, a while back then you were like “Why the hell should I?” when I told you to come with me.” I said with a mocking tone. Her face turned red.
Hinata: “I-it was because I was mad. You were mean also.”
Sasuke: “I am still mean. Maybe you just want to follow me?” I teased her.
Hinata: “N-no. You treated my wounds and brought me new clothes. I was showing my gratitude. Moreover, I don’t know what to do either.”
Sasuke: “Didn’t you have any ambitions?”
Hinata: “N-no. To be honest, this is my third time that I see the sky.”
Sasuke: “What?” I was shocked.
Hinata: “I am kept underground for training.” She sounded sad.
Sasuke: “I see.” I didn’t say anything because it was none of my business. I rarely talk and I never show emotions. I am still shocked that I saved her and cared for her. “No, no. I saved her because she is skilled so that I can used her to fulfill my drea…”
I felt something on my shoulder. I glanced to my left side. Hyuuga. She fell asleep.
Sasuke: “Tsk. How can you sleep easily with a boy inside a cave? So carelessly?” I whispered. I didn’t want her to wake up. She looked…
cute and peaceful so....
Her long indigo hair is falling down to her face. I inhaled the air and I realized that she smells really nice. I picked her hair which is on her face and put it behind her ears. I leaned towards her. Staring her close.
Sasuke: “Nice. I am with a child.” I chuckled to myself. She looks adorable.


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