Part 15

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Minami: "Rotation."
Hinata: "Rotation."

All I could see was smoke. Hinata. Where is Hinata?

Sasuke: "Hinata." I let out a shaky voice. I couldn't see her. I activated my Sharingen and was relieved at what I saw. Hinata was standing in front of that Minami or something. The smoke started to disappear little by little. Jugo walked toward me.
Jugo: "Are you ok Sasuke?" He coughed as he spoke.
Sasuke: "I am fine." I didn't make a move toward Hinata as I know she already won.
Suigetsu: "Man, what a big mess? I didn't know Hyuuga will be troublesome." He said with a bored tone.
Karin: "I didn't know what happened." She was trembling.
Sasuke: "Act like a Ninja Karin." I rolled my eyes.' I didn't know why I even added her in the first place?' Maybe because of her healing abilities?

Hinata: "Give it up. Our strength is different." Her voice is no longer soft or gentle. It's rough and cold.
Minami: "How dare you? I raised you, I sheltered you and you are now going against me?" Her voice was filled with anger and she was furious.
Hinata: "That's true but I knew you guys got blinded by this so-called 'Power'. The glorious Hyuuga clan I 'knew' was filled with love and honor not this blood-thirsty clan anymore. I 'Hinata Hyuuga as the heir', I hereby pronounce that I will change the Hyuuga clan once and for all. She was determined about it. "I am sorry grandmother. Goodbye." She walked toward us, with a smile. She waved at us.
Hinata: "I am sorry for the problem I caused." She bowed to us.
Sasuke: "It's nothing." I waved my hand to make her look up.
Jugo: "That grandmother of yours is crazy or something?" He chuckled.
Hinata: "She is power obsessed". She sighed. "All of the Hyuuga has gone down to the wrong path."
Suigetsu: "Well, I can see it...OWW!!!" Karin punched him in the face.
Karin; "Shut up. You are making her sad not helping at all." She scoffed.
Suigetsu: "Hey, I was telling the truth." They bickered. I saw Hinata staring, I heard a 'lovely' giggle from Hinata. Karin and Suigetsu stopped bickering.
Karin: "Hinata-chan? Are you ok?" She asked in a worried tone.
Hinata: "S-sorry, you guys are just so cute." She said those words between every laugh. I ruffled her hair. It became a habit for me. I love it when her soft hair brushed against my hand.
Sasuke: "Let's go Hina." I started walking away with an almost invisible smile. Hina smiled and started walking by my side. Jugo and others tag along too. Sun is setting again beautifully. Purple, Blue, Yellow, Orange, and red colors are mixing in the sky. This is the second day I realized that sunset is beautiful, the second day I am with Hina. We started climbing the mountains to reach to sound village where Orochimaru Hideout is. We sprinted from tree to tree. No one made a sound. By my left side, there was Hinata and by my right there was Jugo. I knew that they two are the ones who will never leave me. Karin and Suigetsu can't be trusted that much. They do what they like. The sun is setting slowly and the moon is coming up inch by inch. The atmosphere is getting colder. We all focused on our journey because the place we are going now is known as rouge ninjas' habitats. Hinata had her Byakugen activated. She has been using it for hours now. I stopped on a tree branch making others stare at me with questioning looks.

Sasuke: "Let's camp here for the night. Hina you can stop using Byakugen now. Save it for later." I warned her not to overuse it.
Hinata: "Hai." She nodded.
Jugo: "I will find the wood." He volunteered.
Suigetsu: "I will take care of water." They both went separate ways. I didn't say anything because I know they can handle themselves.
Hinata: "Then, I will prepare dinner." She looked at me like she is asking for my permission. I nodded at her.
Karin: "Let me help you Hinata-chan."
Sasuke: "No. Hina can do it." I quickly stopped Karin. I don't want to eat brunt food anymore. Hinata giggled at my reaction.
Sasuke: "I will set up the tent."
Jugo: "I am back." He has some woods with him. I cleared some leaves and gave him some space to put the wood down.
Hinata: "It's getting dark." I saw her shivering and she looked cold. Of course, she will be, she has never slept outside. I sighed and unbuttoned my cloak and walked toward her slowly.
Hinata: "Sasuke-san?" She stepped a bit back. I removed my cloak and wrapped it around her gently. I chuckled at what I saw. My cloth is too big for her,
Sasuke: "You are cold. Stay warm Hina." I can see her smile innocently like a child and she did something unexpected.

She wrapped her arm around my neck and pull me into a hug was shocked at what she did.

It's not the first time I got hugged by a girl

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It's not the first time I got hugged by a girl. Karin and other girls used to hug me. I felt annoyed when they do but this is Hinata. I felt something different. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. I could feel my heart beating fast again. Her lavender smell is radiating around her. Her soft hair is near my face. Her soft and tiny hands are around my neck. I smiled slightly. That's what a hug is huh? It feels so nice to hug someone so dearly with lots of emotions.

Hinata; "Thanks." She whispered to my ears which caused me to stiffen. Her voice is a melody to my ears. Her touch makes me shiver. Her smile makes me happy. I realized that I have been paying too much attention to her. I pulled her back a little and gave her a small smile.
Sasuke: "You are acting like a child Hina. She laughed and went out of my grip.

"I am already missing her scent and warmth."

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