Part 40

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She was in a different. Her eyes opened slowly to reveal Tensaigan.
          Everyone was shocked and couldn’t process what happened. Obito was releasing a tailed best bomb and in a blink of an eye, the bomb was teleported somewhere else. Their eyes focused on one and only girl who has a purple chakara glowing around her while Naruto entered the sage mood. Madara groaned and went to Obito for support. Sasuke anticipated the movement of Madara and he joined Hinata and the rest. 
Madara: “So, the little weak girl can now control it huh? Such a shame that your mother isn’t here to see you.” Hinata ignored the sly voice and walked toward Sasuke to heal his left eye from bleeding.
Hinata: “You chakara will be restored Sasuke-kun.” Sasuke nodded and faced Obito and Madara who have just mere scratches. Ten tailed charged at the shinobi killing everyone that gets in its way.
Naruto: “Summoning Jutsu.”
Hinata: “Summoning Jutsu.”
Sasuke: “Summoning Jutsu.”
Sakura: “Summoning Jutsu.” A large smoke appeared as the animals were summoning.

      A giant toad for Naruto Summons while 3 wolves appeared in front of Hinata and Sasuke standing on a big purple snake while sakura summoned a snail. Naruto looked at his friends beside him and he can feel the strength coming back to him.

 Naruto looked at his friends beside him and he can feel the strength coming back to him

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(Hinata's Summon)
Sasuke: “Why did you run away Madara? Don’t tell me you got scared.”

      Sasuke provoked the man trying to distract him from controlling Ten tails. Naruto toad has been trying to stop the monster while Hinata’s two wolves are attacking Ten tails with their claws making the two men on the top stumble whenever ten tails roared from the attack of the wolves and toad. Another wolf is helping the shinobis to defeat the creatures and Zetsu. 
Madara: “You brat.”

Madara charged at him with full speed while Sasuke smirked with his Mangekyo Sharingen activated. He has already guessed his move and he dodged slightly toward the right slide while his knees hit Madara’s abdomen hard. Madara coughed blood a bit and he became angrier. They fought in Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, and with their swords. 
          Obito has been defending himself from the attack of Hinata and Naruto while ten tails lost control and went on a rampage. The 5 kages arrived on time and stopped ten tails from moving for awhile. Katsuya was scattered into smaller snails and started healing the injured shinobis. The battle became more intense as the minutes passed by and everything went black for Sasuke when his neck was gripped by Madara while a sword aimed toward his heart. 
Madara: “You have developed but you can’t surpass me Sasuke.”

Madara laughed evilly catching the attention of Hinata. Her body froze as she saw Sasuke is going to get killed every minute now. Naruto was also beaten up by Obito and nine-tailed was pulled off from Naruto’s body. A thud was heard as Sakura was also knocked out from the Zetsu’s attack and all of her comrades were losing badly.
          She hated it, she hated war, she hated seeing her comrades die, she hated for not being able to protect the people she loves. She has already lost her mother in front of her eyes, she doesn’t want to lose these people, she doesn’t want to lose Sasuke. She became suffocated even though she was not injured. She felt the seal on her belly start to break, she is losing control of her beast because of the situation she is in. She is going to go on a rampage and lost herself if this continues. She gasped as the seal is being reconstructed again. 
[Inside Hinata’s mind.]
Hinata: “Mother?” Tears came down from her eyes as she saw someone she loved very dearly.
Hana: “Look at you, you have grown up so well dear.” Hinata ran toward her mother hugging her so tightly and cried inside her embrace.
Hinata: “I missed you so much, mother.” A soft hand patted her back as Hinata continued to sob.
Hana: “I am sorry for leaving you dear but I just want you to know something. Hinata looked at her mother with confused eyes while wiping her tears.
Hana: “My dear, listen carefully. I sacrificed for you because I believed that you will be a strong Kunoichi one day. The beast you carry inside you is very dangerous and powerful yet you manage not to break the seal. I trusted you from the start with this animal because I saw the potential inside you Hinata. You are going to change this world into a better place and bring peace. Remember that I will always be with you and love you no matter what.”
          Hinata nodded slowly and she smiled as she felt the power inside her. Her mother gave her the strength she needed. Her mother believed that she will be strong and even save the world. There is nothing better than being trusted by the people you love. 
Hana: “Do you dare to sacrifice your life for Sasuke?” Hinata nodded without a doubt. He saved her in the first place, she vowed that she will protect him no matter what. 
[Back to reality.]
          Sasuke was struggling from the grip was no avail. His eyes widened as he saw his teammates losing badly. Some have died, some are injured, some are in pain. He saw his blond friend laying on the ground lifelessly while Sakura was sitting on the ground holding her bleeding arm. He prayed silently for Hinata’s safety as he couldn’t find her. 
Madara: “Don’t worry, it will be quick.” He shut his eyes closed as Madara swung the sword. Drops of warm liquid dropped on his face but he didn’t feel any pain. He felt more than pain when he saw the person in front of him who took the blow instead of him.
Sasuke: “Hina…” His voice was raspy, shaking, trembling with fear praying that this Is just a nightmare.
Madara: “Pathetic.” Madara pulled the sword out and dropped Hinata’s body to the ground who is bleeding badly. Sasuke walked toward her weakly with tears in his eyes checking her impulse to find none. Sasuke felt pain from his left eye and looked up at Madara with hate inside his eyes.
Madara: “Rinnegen?”

At the end of his sentence, Madara found his right hand being cut off.

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