Part 7

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She looked at the sun setting without even blinking when

"I looked at her all the time."
Sasuke: "Hina''. I gave her this nickname. Smiled at my thought.
[Sasuke’s Flashback]
Sasuke’s mother: "My son. Giving nicknames show that you care about that person and acknowledge him or her. It means a lot."
[End of his Flashback]
Hinata: "Hina?" She asked me with a questioning tone.
Sasuke: "Your nickname". Her eyes sparkled after my short yet blunt answer. She was thinking for a while and after some moments she started to smile.
Hinata: "Hina. Hina… Thanks, Sasuke-san. I will cherish it." She seems to like it. I patted her head and we look like dad and daughter somehow.
Sasuke: “Let’s go. We need to find Orochimaru.” I got up and started walking away.
Hinata: “Please wait. Sasuke-san.” She started running toward me and walking behind me matching my fast pace.
Sasuke: “Walk beside me.” I told with my monotone.
Hinata: “Why?” She runs beside me and asked me while facing me.
Sasuke: “Just felt like it.” I answered without looking at her.
Hinata: “Ok.” She isn’t satisfied with the answer but she didn’t ask more questions.
     Silence came but it wasn’t awkward. She knows when to talk and when not to. She isn’t talkative which makes me feel comfortable with her presence. She is strange. I have these thoughts so many times like why is she happy around her enemy and why am I feeling comfortable around her? Only god will know. I stopped walking when I sensed something.
Sasuke: “Hina.” My hand reached to my sword and get ready to fight.
Hinata: “Yes. We are surrounded. Byakugen. There are 34 at 2 o’clock with 200 meters. 23 at 6 o’clock in 205 meters and 12 in 9 0’clock in 203 meters and 38 at 11 o’clock in 200 meters and 4 at 3 o’clock in 210 meters.” She focused on her Byakugan and read out the details.
Sasuke: “Specific huh? You can see that far. Impressive.” I gave her the credit. I can see her smiling with a proud expression from the corner of my eyes.
Hinata: “What should we do?”
Sasuke: “They must be here for bounty also. Let’s have some fun.” I smirked as I am keening for some actions. I saw one man step out.
Anonymous: “Uchiha Sasuke and Hinata Hyuuga. Come with us and take the responsibility for starting the war.”
Sasuke: “Hn.” My usual answer for questions came out.
Anonymous: “You are outnumbered. If you don’t come, we will have to force you.”
Hinata: “Oh. I am so scared.” She said mockingly.
          The other men approached and I activated my Sharingan. Some of them are still hiding. I put out my sword and saw Indigo blue hair pass through me.
Hinata: “Gentle step: Eight Trigrams 64 palms.” Her speed was incredible like light. She gives no opening and her steps are careful and steady. Her offense and defense have no weakness. I saw the chakra come out of her fingertips as soon as she made contact with the enemy's chakra points. Moving forward as fast as lighting, she cleared of ¼ of the enemies without a sweat. I focused too much on her and I forgot I am targeted as well. A man charged at me from the back. Even though I can dodge him I waited to see how Hinata will react. When the sword from enemies is inches away from my neck, I could see and hear the metal shined and break within seconds. The man was surprised and couldn’t process what happened.
Hinata: “If you are daydreaming, you will get injured Sasuke-san.” I turned behind and saw her facing the man.
Sasuke: “What do I need to do when I have you?” I asked with an amusing tone because she came to save me. I realized that she wouldn’t betray me.
Hinata: “You are just messing with me, I came back all the way for you, you know?” She spouted and I let out a chuckle.
Sasuke: “Are you tired Hina?” I called her using the nickname I gave her.
Hinata: “I am just warming up though.” She smiled back at me and turned in my direction. We completely ignored the men who are chasing us and focused on our conversation. 
Sasuke: “Your hand is bleeding.” My voice mixed with concern. I grabbed her right hand and pulled out a bandage I had. I gently wrapped it around her hand and tied it tight to make it stop bleeding. She winched because of pain when I tied tight.
Hinata: “I accidentally broke the sword and It hit my sword I think.” She looked down and bit her lip. I don’t understand why she is upset but maybe because she was careless about her hands getting injured.
Sasuke: “Rest here. I will take care of the rest.” I patted her back and turned back taking no for the answer.
Hinata’s POV.
     I looked down at my hand and smiled. I could still feel the warmth when he touched my hand. His voice sounds concerned. Was he worried for me? If it is my dad, he would blame me for not being careful but Sasuke-san is different… I saw her walking toward the enemies without even using sharingen. His sword reflected the light and he ran toward the challengers. The first man charged at him with an ax but he moved slightly to the left making the ax stuck on the ground. His sword got tainted with blood and moved to another prey. I can see the ground got colored with fresh blood and within minutes, I can see him walking toward me cleaning his sword with a piece of cloth. He put it back in the Scabbard. (a sheath for holding a sword)

 (a sheath for holding a sword)

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Sasuke: “Hina. How’s your hand?” He asked me looking at my hand.
Hinata: “It has stopped bleeding. That was amazing, you are skilled also.” My voice sounded very excited for some reason.
Sasuke: “We only survived in the war Hina.” He stated it with his usual cold tone.
Hinata: “Yes, you are right. Somehow you seemed heartless while fighting them.” It was a question more than a statement because I know Sasuke is cold but he isn’t heartless.
Sasuke: “Hn. I am always heartless.” He said like it's not a problem to be heartless.
Hinata: “That’s not true. Sasuke-san is kind and caring.” I almost shouted but my voice was low so it seems normal to Sasuke.
Sasuke: “Hn.” He said nothing but gave me a short answer.
General POV.
When Sasuke tried to sit near Hinata, all he could hear was Hinata's sweet voice filled with concern before he collapses.

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