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You were sitting on the couch with your book waiting for Kakashi to come home. You had just moved into his apartment and he was sent out on a mission soon after. You were nervous for him to get back because it would be the first night you've spent together. You had been dating for several months and the most the two of you had done was make out, with the occasional grope/grinding but you were always fully clothed and it was only because of the heat of the moment. There were a few times, you had almost let your hormones take over, but you wanted to wait until the time was right. You definitely weren't opposed to the idea of having sex with him, he was incredibly attractive and you adored him with your entire being. You loved that he would only show you his face and you loved every bit of it, even his beauty mark by his lower lip.

You had finished your book and realized that you would have to go to the book shop tomorrow to pick out a few more. You placed your book on a bookshelf and looked at all of the other titles, thumbing over the familiar titles of the books that you have enjoyed and the books you didn't care for. Your eyes landed on a book you didn't recognize and you pulled the orange book off of the shelf. This must be one of the books Kakashi is always reading. You thought to yourself before looking at the title. 'Icha Icha Paradise' What kind of book is this? You walked to the couch, book in hand, and took a seat. You opened it up to a random page just to see what kind of book it was.

'He slid his hand up her thigh, completely ignoring her skirt. His fingers curled over the waistband of her panties and he began to pull them down.'

Your eyes widened in shock and you felt heat rushing up to your face. You had no idea that Kakashi had read these types of books. You blushed furiously, remembering all the times he sat with you on the couch (before you moved in) reading this book. You often felt his gaze on you when you both read together, you never thought to ask him what he was reading. Was he imagining me? Oh stop thinking like that! You looked back down at the page and continued to read.

'He slipped a finger inside of her dripping womanhood and she moaned his name with pleasure.

"Oh! Please.. Stop teasing me~" She moaned sweetly in his ear. He smirked down at her before sliding another finger inside, earning him a moan of pleasure and satisfaction. He rubbed her gently, but before she finished, he brought his hand up to his mouth and sucked her juices off of his fingers.

"You taste so good~" He said, causing the woman below him to blush a deep shade of red.'

"Whatcha reading?" You nearly jumped out of your skin, quickly hiding the book behind your back. You look up to see your boyfriend staring at you intensely with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh! Hi Kakashi, I wasn't expecting you to be home until tomorrow!" You said, ignoring his question. You were also trying so hard not to blush but you could tell that you were failing.

"Yeah, well we finished the mission a little earlier than expected. What were you reading?" He asked again, taking a seat on the opposite side of the couch.

"Oh well that's good! Was the mission a success? Did Naruto and Sasuke get along?" You laughed nervously, leaning your back against the armrest of the couch as if it would conceal the book better.

"Yes. No. What were you reading, Y/n?" He asked, shifting himself to his hands and knees. He crawled over to you, stopping when he was hovering over you. You gulped as his eye stared directly into yours.

"Just another book. Nothing too crazy." You looked into his eye and then to his mask where you saw the outline of his nose and mouth. He seemed to notice you staring at his mask so he pulled it down.

"The blush on your face tells me otherwise.." He said softly, leaning down and planting a kiss on your jaw.

"I-I'm just happy to see you, Kakashi.. You always make me blush.." You say, hoping he doesn't press the issue.

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