Ino x Fem Reader~Gorgeous

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requested by ErrorChild96 (Proxy Kid/Camilo's Girlfriend) on quotev!

*sorry it took so long!*

*sorry it's short!*

You walk into the flower shop and see her tending to the customers. You smile softly before browsing the selection. You pretend to be interested in the flowers as she rings up the last customer.

"I was thinking.. You know if you didn't have any plans, I could take you out for some Ichiraku ramen sometime?" You rolled your eyes as the last guy attempted to ask her out on a date.

"That's very sweet of you, but I'm afraid I'm not looking for a relationship." She responds, making you chuckle quietly to yourself before grabbing her favorite flower and walking up to the counter as the guy leaves the store.

"Hello, Y/n." She greets you with a faint blush on her cheeks. You look around and notice an older lady at the far end of the shop looking at the daffodils.

"Hello, gorgeous." You smirk, causing her blush to intensify. She grabbed the flower and rang you up like a regular customer.

"Y/n, there's someone in here.." She whispered.

"I know, that's why I said it quietly. I wanted you to know that I think you look gorgeous today."

"You tell me that everyday though."

"Hm. I suppose you're right. I guess it's because you look beautiful everyday." You winked and she nervously looked back at the older lady who was still browsing the flowers in the back.

"You're lucky Mrs. Sato has hearing problems." She chuckled. You playfully rolled your eyes and handed her the money for the flower.

"I suppose it's my lucky day then~" You said before leaning over the counter slightly to kiss her. Before your lips could touch, she jumped back at the sound of the bell on the door.

"Oh! Hi, Shikamaru!" She greeted the lazy Nara. You turned and nodded in his direction and he gave you a nod in return.

"I made Temari mad again and I don't know what I did." You rolled your eyes before scoffing slightly.

"You'll never understand women." You said, slightly annoyed that he interrupted you and Ino.

"It's troublesome but I want to keep her happy." He said in an annoyed tone. He thought women had complex emotions and although he had an insanely high IQ, he was clueless when it came to women.

"I'll make a bouquet, but you need to tell her that you're sorry. You might not know what you did, but starting off with an 'I'm sorry' is probably the best thing for you to do." Ino said, walking around, grabbing an assortment of flowers.

"Yeah yeah. I know. I'll figure it out eventually." He said, placing the money on the counter.

You stood to the side and waited.

"You two hanging out again today?" He asked, looking between the two of you. Ino's eyes widened slightly but you responded before she could.

"Yeah! It's gonna be a girl's night in! We're gonna talk about our skin care routines and what kind of products-"

"I don't really need to know the details. I just noticed that you guys have been hanging out more lately." You saw Ino visibly relax and you laughed slightly.

"Yeah, after we lost our parents in the war, we became closer." You smiled softly remembering how you both comforted each other because neither of you wanted to be alone.

"Yeah, well I'm glad you two became good friends. I need to apologize to Temari now." He said, grabbing the bouquet and leaving.

"Thanks for the save.."

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