Temari x Fem Reader~Sleepy

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"So.. You and Temari are pretty close." Kankuro nudged your side as you walked out of Gaara's office. You blushed slightly but shook your head.

"I mean, we're friends but I think that's all we'll ever be. Plus, she's always complaining about that leaf ninja, Shikamaru. I can tell she likes him." You pointed out. Kankuro rolled his eyes as you walked through the building.

"I don't know what you're talking about. She complains about him, how does that mean she likes him?"

"Kankuro, there's a lot about women you don't understand. But even if she didn't like him, how am I supposed to know if she's into women? It's not exactly something people advertise." You spoke solemnly. Though, it was legal to marry those of the same sex, a lot of the elders looked down on it.

"I don't know for sure, but I always thought she was a little fruity-"

"Kankuro! Let's please just drop it. Talking about her isn't going to help me get over the little crush I have on her." Kankuro gave you an amused look before chuckling.

"Y/n, what you have on my sister, is not a 'little crush'. You've been drooling over her since we were in the academy." You smacked his arm and glared at him.

"I have not been drooling over her since the academy days-"

"Who is Y/n drooling over?" You froze and shot Kankuro a death glare.

"Nobody. Kankuro is being an idiot." You seethed, causing Kankuro to give an expression of mock hurt.

"When isn't my brother an idiot?" Temari laughed and you smiled slightly. You loved her smile, and you loved being the reason behind her smile. Kankuro smirked at you and you quickly looked away before she could notice you staring at her.

"I'm gonna head home. I've had a long day and I just want to relax." You said quickly before turning the corner that led you to your apartment.

"Kankuro what did you say to her?! She's obviously upset about something!" You heard Temari whisper-yell at Kankuro and you couldn't help but laugh quietly.

"Nothing! Just asked her some personal questions-"

"Baka!" You heard, followed by a smack. You didn't hear anything else now that you were too far out of reach. You easily made your way to your apartment and once you shut the door behind you, you took a deep breath.

"Get it together, Y/n. She's just Temari. You guys recently became close friends even though you've always known her. She's your friend and that's all there is to it. Plus, being her friend is better than nothing. Right?" You mumbled to yourself as you changed out of your ninja gear and into your sweatpants and hoodie.

You looked around the living room and decided to watch a random movie when there was a knock at your door. You furrowed your eyebrows together before getting up to see who it was. You opened the door, revealing Temari standing there with an apologetic look on her face.

"Y/n, I don't know what he said but please don't let it get to you. You are entitled to have a private life. He might be your best friend, but he needs to understand that doesn't mean you have to share everything with him." She spoke confidently. It was another thing you adored about her. Her confidence was something you had always admired about her. She was always so strong and never soft-spoken.

"Thanks, Temari. I'm not that upset, really. I think he was trying to make me feel better? I'm not sure, he's never really been the best at that." You laughed, remembering all the times he's tried to cheer you up but only managed to make the situation awkward. She laughed and you stepped to the side.

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