Kakashi~Thin Walls

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-took inspiration from wattpad user, readerssin's haikyuu smut chapter- daichi- thin walls

Kakashi lay in his bed, exhausted from his mission. He had been away from the village for two months, trying to infiltrate a criminal organization's headquarters. In the end, he was successful, but now he was just ready to let sleep overcome him.

"Nyah~" He suddenly heard from your side of the wall. His eyes widened slightly as he tried to block out your sounds. She must've gotten a boyfriend while I was away.

"Oh fuck..~" His face and neck grew hot as he heard your moans through the wall. He stood up and grabbed his pillows and blankets, walking them to the couch. Once he was comfortable on the couch, it didn't take him long before he fell asleep.


Kakashi got up the next morning and changed into something casual. He had just gotten back from a long ANBU mission and he was granted a week off ANBU duties. He wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do in his free time so he just decided to take his book and go for a walk. As he stepped out and locked his apartment, you stepped out next door.

"Oh! Hi, Kakashi! I didn't know that you were back!" You greeted him cheerfully. He looked you up and down with his visible eye.

"I got home last night. I was so exhausted, I passed out on the couch." He said, only partially lying to save you from the embarrassment. You frowned before locking your front door.

"Kakashi, you know you need to take better care of yourself. You're going to hurt your back if you sleep on that couch." You let out a slight laugh as you recalled how uncomfortable his couch was. When there was a leak in your apartment, he let you sleep on his couch. You stayed one night because the next morning you supervised the workers until they fixed the leak.

"Y/n, I'll be fine. Say.. did you have any.. Guests over last night?" He asked carefully. You give him a confused look before responding.

"No.. Why did you see someone sketchy around my door when you came home?" His eye that was visible to you widened slightly. She didn't have anyone over? Does that mean she..?

"U-Uh no! There was just someone I didn't recognize walking away from the building. I was just wondering." He felt his face flush slightly before waving a quick goodbye and walking away.


Kakashi sat under the tree for the entirety of the day just reading before finally getting up to go home. He stopped at Ichiraku and got some ramen to go. Once he made it home, he sat at his table and took off his mask to eat. He ate in silence until he heard you arriving at home. You slammed your door shut, causing Kakashi's ears to perk up.

"Stupid.." Was all Kakashi heard you yell as the rest of your words were muffled by you walking further away from the wall. He let out a soft laugh before finishing his food. He walked to his bathroom and quickly undressed before hopping in the shower. He let the hot water run down his body as he poured shampoo into his palm.

You were in your room frustrated with the hospital already. There was this one intern who questioned every little thing you did and on top of all of your patients, you were feeling an overwhelming amount of stress. You quickly ate your food before going into your bedroom and grabbing your toy from your nightstand drawer. Sex is a good way to relieve stress but I can't exactly have that right now. You thought as you pressed the button and set the vibration pattern.

Kakashi entered his room with his towel wrapped around his waist. He looked through his dresser drawers before he heard a slight buzzing noise. What is that? He thought to himself, following the sound. He found himself near the wall where his bed was. It also happened to be the wall that separated your apartment from his.

"Ngh~ Ah~" His eyes widened at the sound of your moans and he sat on his bed in shock. He understood what the buzzing sound was now and he felt his face heat up as he heard you playing with yourself next door. His eyes closed when he heard your bed frame lightly tap against the wall. He felt blood rushing between his legs and he tried to get out of that situation but what he heard next kept him sitting on his bed.

"Kakashi..~" His eyes widened before looking at his bulge from under his towel. The way you had said his name had him in a slight daze. He never knew you had those types of feelings for him.

"Damn it.." He whispered before grabbing his erection. He closed his eyes tightly, as he stroked from the tip down to the base. He heard your moans through the wall as you played with your toy.

"Ah.. Ah!~" Listening to your lewd voice turned him on more than he had cared to admit. As he stroked the head of his member, he let out a low groan. Your eyes widened and you stopped what you were doing for a moment. Did.. Did I just hear Kakashi moan? You thought to yourself, suddenly feeling like your skin was boiling. You decided to find out and you placed your vibrator over your clit and let a loud moan escape from your lips. A few seconds later you hear a low moan from his side of the wall and it confirmed your suspicions. You felt slightly embarrassed but also really turned on by the situation. You didn't even know that he was home and now you both were in your rooms, pleasuring yourselves. You felt yourself blushing furiously at the predicament you were in. He must've heard you moan his name.. How thin are these walls?

"Don't get shy on me now, Y/n.." You heard Kakashi's low voice from the other side of the wall, causing you to whimper. You had your vibrator pressed to your clit, causing the sensitivity to rise.

"Kakashi..~" He felt his cheeks go warm when you responded. He was surprised with himself for being so bold but he had the heat of the moment to thank for that. He stroked his shaft as you continued touching yourself. A part of him wished he could see your lewd expressions right now but the other part was worried that pausing this moment would end the whole affair completely. He placed his free hand against the wall as he moved up and down his length at a faster pace.

"Oh shit.." He breathed out, feeling the knot starting to form in his stomach.

"Are you close, Kakashi?~" He threw his head back at the sound of your voice.

"Y-yeah. I'm close.." He said breathlessly. He curled his fingers into his palm against the wall as he felt the knot growing in his stomach.

"Me too..~" He heard you softly through the wall. He closed his eyes before feeling his erection twitch in his hand. He came in his towel with a low groan and you reached your climax soon after. You were breathing heavily on your bed as you replayed what just happened. Kakashi was laying on his bed with his feet planted on the floor.

"Oh my.." He turned his head towards the wall where he heard your voice.

"Is everything okay, Y/n?" Kakashi asked, brushing his knuckles lightly against the wall.

"Yeah-...kashi..um....ybe you cou-.. come over?" He couldn't hear you completely because even though it was thin, there was still a wall separating you two. He wasn't sure if he had heard your last words correctly, but his heart still skipped a beat.

"Y/n? Did I hear you corr-"

"Yes." With that one word, Kakashi was fumbling for his clothes and was out the door as soon as he was dressed.

(Should I make a part two?)

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