Gaara (Modern)~No Strings Attached

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wattpad user Gaara064 requested another gaara lemon! you ask, you shall receive! (as long as you check the character requests chapter for where i draw the line!)

"Alright ladies! Put an item into the bag! Usually the guys are supposed to do this but I wanted to switch it up a bit!" Ino exclaimed as she walked around the circle with a bag.

You were at a party and you were somehow roped into participating in seven minutes in heaven. You weren't even sure on what you could possibly put into the bag until it was already in front of you. Not wanting to make others wait on you, you took your velvet (favorite color) scrunchie out of your hair and put it in the bag.

"Wow, Y/n! You look better with your hair down!" Ino said. You weren't sure whether to take it as a compliment or not but it didn't matter, since she was already making her way down the line.

"Alright! I think that's everyone! Okay boys! You can come in now!" She giggled. You weren't sure why she was acting like this, you were in college. You all were.

The guys walked into the room, some showing more excitement than others (I'm looking at you Kiba! Wipe that smirk off your face.) and they all sat in front of the girls, forming a circle. You looked around the circle and noticed several blushing faces and several annoyed ones. (Can you guess who wouldn't want to be roped into such a 'childish game'? What a drag.)

You weren't exactly hoping for anyone in particular to pull your scrunchie but there were a few people you hoped didn't pick it. You sighed in relief when Lee pulled out Sakura's headband.

"I... get to spend SEVEN MINUTES WITH THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD!?!?" You covered your ears as he pulled a reluctant Sakura to the closet.

"Lee, you better not try anything!" You heard Sakura yell through the door.

"No! I would never! I just wanted to talk to you! Or listen to you talk! I'm okay with either!" You rolled your eyes. Typical Lee. Poor guy's been simping over her since they met at the college entrance exams.

"Lame! They're just gonna talk in there!" Kiba complained.

As Lee and Sakura carried on a conversation in the closet, the people sitting in a circle began to converse.

"Are you hoping to get anyone special, Hinata?" Naruto asked the girl, causing her to blush heavily.

"I.. Um- I am.. But it's not that b-big of a deal!" She said nervously, earning a confused look from the blonde. He then turned to a redheaded boy.

"What about you, Gaara? Hoping for anyone in particular..?~" He teased. Gaara shook his head and looked around the circle. You averted your gaze before he saw you looking at them.

"Not really. I still don't understand the point of this game. Is it to make people feel uncomfortable?" He asked Naruto casually. You turned your head, waiting for Naruto's response.

"Well, it's essentially a hookup roulette. You never know who you're gonna get but after getting your person, you're both shoved into a closet, or other space away from everyone else, and you do whatever you want with them for seven minutes. Though, most of the time it's spent making out and if your quick enough you can get-"

"TIME'S UP!!" Ino shouted. Sakura quickly rushed out of the closet with a happy looking Lee following behind her.

"We carried on an actual conversation!" He cheered to himself before sitting down.

The next few rounds went as expected. Sai picked Ino's perfume bottle and came out of the closet seven minutes later with wide eyes and a hickey on his neck. He kept his eyes on her for the rest of the game. Shikamaru pulled out Temari's hand-held fan. Ino had to force them out of the closet and they just ended up leaving the party together. Naruto picked a small ball of red thread. Hinata immediately turned into a tomato as Naruto bashfully led her to the closet.

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