Sasuke x Naruto x Reader(Modern)~Hormones

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(requested by pugfeatures on quotev!)

includes- sex in public- sex while pregnant- double penetration

"Sasuke, stop it!" You whisper yelled to your boyfriend after he grabbed your ass. He smirked before grabbing more baby items and throwing them into the cart. You were four months pregnant and since there weren't many people in your lives to celebrate you, you had all decided to buy most of the things you would need.

"Ohh! Babe look at this!" Naruto excitedly ran up to you with an adorable diaper bag. Sasuke smiled at the excited blonde.

"I like that, you can put it in the cart." You smiled at your boyfriend as he placed it in the shopping cart. People saw you three as an odd pairing but you wouldn't ask for it to be any other way.

"You look so sexy today~" Sasuke whispered in your ear before poking your side. Lately he had been acting so seductive and you had a feeling it was because your belly had slightly extended and was now noticeable through most of your clothing. Even though the three of you weren't exactly sure who the father was, Sasuke had a feeling it was his baby in your womb. He said that you were exhibiting all the same symptoms his mother had during both of her pregnancies. Of course at the end of the day, nobody cared who the father was as long as the baby came out healthy.

"Sasuke, stop poking me. You know what it does." You said, walking toward the baby clothes. Sasuke and Naruto followed beside you.

"What's going on?" Naruto asked curiously. You rolled your eyes before responding.

"Our boyfriend is being a horndog in the baby aisle." You look at Sasuke and he rolls his eyes before smiling.

"Oh when isn't he? Last week he insisted on tagging along with me when I went to pick up more food and he picked up the polish sausage and-"

"Oh shut up! That was just a joke! Also I don't want to hear it out of you, Naruto. I've seen the way you've been looking at Y/n. I've seen you trying to hide your bon-"

"Boys! Not now, please. I honestly don't understand the appeal. I'm four months pregnant and I cry all the time." You cut them off and they both gawk at you.

"You're literally glowing." Naruto stated.

"All of the time." Sasuke added.

"You might cry a lot but that's just because of your hormones." Naruto smiled sweetly.

"Your hormones also make you horny too and I'm not exactly complaining." Your cheeks turned red as Sasuke smirked.

"I'm also not complaining. I just keep mine in my pants because someone is constantly pestering you abou-"

"Enough! Great, now I gotta pee. Thanks, Sasuke." You glared at your boyfriend who had poked you in the side earlier. Your boyfriends had the habit of poking you in the side because they thought it was amusing that it made you have to pee.

"Glad to be of service." He winked before slapping your ass. You shook your head and walked towards the bathrooms in the back of the store.

"You know~ Just because I'm giving her more attention doesn't mean that I don't want to bend you ove-"

"Jesus Christ, Sasuke! I can't tell if you're trying to make me feel better or if you just need to get laid. I know you're only showing her more affection because she's pregnant. I want you to know that it doesn't bother me. I've been giving her a lot of attention too. We still spend a lot of time together and I promise you that I'm okay." Naruto laughed before glancing down, noticing Sasuke's bulge in his pants.

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