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I hit 150 hearts on quotev and I did a poll for what I should do! The winner of said poll was none other than Minato Namikaze! That being said, enjoy the extra long lemon!

Minato~Body Heat

"The mission has been completed. We need to return to the Leaf village." Minato said after you parted ways with the person you were escorting.

"Of course. Let's go." You said, beginning to run in the direction you came.

"I'm so glad the mission is finally over. I don't think I could take another minute of that girl's rambling." You stated, remembering how she would not shut up.

"I thought she was nice though." You rolled your eyes before shaking your head.

"That's because she was flirting with you the whole time." You said, causing him to flush with embarrassment.

"Sh-she was?" You scoffed at his cluelessness.

"Minato, you're really dense for someone who wants to be Hokage one day." You laugh, causing him to give you an offended expression.

"How was I supposed to know? A lot of people are nice to me." You gave him a 'really?' look before shaking your head and running ahead.

He's so clueless of the fact that the majority of the women back home are constantly flirting with him.

The two of you ran through the trees hoping to get to Konoha quickly so you wouldn't have to be out in the snowstorm for very long.

"Y/n, I know we don't have to escort anyone right now but with the snowstorm coming, we should at least stop somewhere for the night."

"Minato, we can make it back to Konoha tonight if we keep going." You tried reasoning with him.

"It's already starting to snow. Do you really want to risk running through the storm for seven hours? We could get sick if we don't stop." He asked. You thought about it for a moment before sighing.

"We move until we cannot continue safely. Let's just see if it gets as bad as they're saying it will. If it does, we'll stop somewhere." You said, hoping he would accept your terms. Luckily for you, he nodded in agreement.

The two of you moved swiftly through the trees as the snow started floating down a bit heavier than before.

"Y/n, do you still have the warm water thermos?" He asked, running beside you.

"I think I have a little left. We can't afford to stop for too long so let's take a quick water break and then continue." He nodded as you grabbed the thermos from your pack and handed it to him.

"Thanks." He gave you a closed eye smile before taking a drink.

That damned smile. You shook your head, grabbing the thermos and drinking the rest of the warm water.

You felt it warm your body and the slight aches from the cold subsided.

I can't wait to get home and take a hot bath. You thought, putting the thermos back into your pack.

"We should've refilled before we set out. We're still five hours from Konoha." He said, picking up his pace to be slightly ahead of you.

"Or next time you can tell the client that you didn't bring the thermos for them." You let out a dry laugh, think back to how he brought out a thermos and the client got all excited because of how 'thoughtful' he was.

"I didn't think she would assume it was for her." He said, puffing his cheeks out.

"Plus, she said she would give me a really big tip for making sure she stayed warm. Though she never did so I gave her my water for nothing." You looked at him with raised eyebrows.

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