Naruto~Shadow Clone Love

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A friend of mine helped me come up with ideas for this particular lemon so i can't take full credit! thank you for letting me bounce ideas off of you!

these lemons wouldn't be a thing if it weren't for this ramen obsessed dork and frankly i find it disrespectful that i haven't written this sooner.

and now..

ramen boy's spicy debut~


"Sooo Y/n! I was thinking... we try something new tonight!" Your boyfriend said, grabbing your waist as you stood in front of the fridge. You were about to grab the pork for the ramen before he pulled you into him.

"What do you mean? Like- add something new to the ramen?" Naruto laid his head on your shoulder before shaking his head 'no'.

"No, no. The ramen is perfect! I meant in the bedroom... I kinda wanted to try something new tonight." You felt your face, ears, and neck grow hot as he hugged you closer to him. You knew he wasn't the type to beat around the bush but you couldn't help but feel a little flustered by the topic of conversation.

"O-oh.. Um sure. Anything specific?" You asked and his head shot up. You couldn't tell but he was wearing that cheeky grin of his.

"You'll just have to wait and see..~" He whispered into your ear before kissing the side of your neck. You felt your heart rate accelerate and you closed the door to the fridge.

"On second thought- What time does Ichiraku close?" You asked, causing the whiskered blonde to smirk before spinning you around and pulling you into a kiss.

His lips moved excitedly against yours, definitely showing every emotion he was feeling in that moment. He walked you both clumsily into the bedroom before pulling away.

"If it becomes too much, just tell me, okay?" He told you sweetly. You gave him a nod and he gave his classic Naruto Uzumaki grin. He formed a few hand signs and before you could ask what he was doing he said three words that both instilled excitement and nervousness in you.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" You flushed red as two clones appeared beside him. They seemed to know exactly what they were there for and they walked towards you. The original stood in his place and watched as his clones caressed your face, neck and body exactly how he would. Of course they knew what to do, they were him after all.

"Figured, it'd be a little more fun if we tried something new~" One purred in your ear before kissing your jaw softly. The other one hummed in response as his hand traveled down your body, stopping at the hem of your shirt. He slipped his hand under your shirt and softly rubbed your stomach before slowly dragging his fingers up towards your breast.

You sucked in a breath when the other one followed the actions of the first. They were both kissing your neck and massaging your breasts as your real boyfriend stood and watched, eyes focused solely on your face.

"Naruto.." You spoke in barely a whisper, causing your boyfriend -the real one- to hum in response.

"Is it too much for you, Y/n?" He asked worriedly. His clones ceased their motions and awaited your response.

"N-no.. I just want you to be over here too.." You said, face hot from the situation. He smiled and walked towards you, stopping just in front of you. He leaned in and planted a soft kiss on your forehead.

"Of course. I just wanted to watch your reactions. You look very flustered, Kit." You felt your face grow hotter than before when he called you by your nickname. He kissed the side of your neck motioning for one of the clones to take his place. He moved to the spot the original was standing and sat on the chair in front of your vanity.

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