Gaara~Sleeping With You

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You were patiently waiting for your shift to end at the hospital because your boyfriend was visiting Konoha and he would be staying with you. He said that there was no point in staying at an inn if he was just going to be attending meetings and spending time with you. The long distance was a little difficult since he was the Kazekage and you were one of the best medical ninjas at the hospital, along with Shizune and Sakura, but you both made it work. You sent each other letters often and you planned visits to each other's villages. This just happened to be the first planned visit after making it official three months ago.

He was in Konoha for Naruto and Hinata's wedding and by the end of the reception, you had consumed quite a bit of sake and kissed him. He was, of course, quite shocked by your actions and lightly pushed you off of him. You were drunk, he didn't know if you meant it. The kiss kept him up all night. He would occasionally touch his lips, thinking about the way yours felt against them. The next morning, when he was preparing his things so that he could leave the next day, you walked up to him and apologized for your actions. He accepted your apology and then asked what you thought of him. You told him that you've liked him since you were young and he was stunned. He told you that he thought of you differently from the rest of his friends and asked if you would be his girlfriend. You had spent the rest of that day talking and getting used to each other's presence. There was also kissing and a lot of it. Gaara had never really felt this way for anyone and he never would've thought that anyone would feel this way for him. He decided that he enjoyed your presence and he really liked kissing you. He loved the feeling of your lips moving in sync with his. He was disappointed that his siblings told him he needed to attend one last meeting and he knew he wasn't going to get the chance to see you since you had a night shift at the hospital. You did get to say goodbye to him before he left though and he promised to write as often as he could.

Now you were waiting for your shift to end so you could meet him at the gates. You haven't seen him in three months and although his letters were nice, you wanted to hear his voice so badly. You wanted to hug him and tell him how much you loved him. You counted down the minutes and practically jumped from your station and straight towards the locker room to change out of your uniform. You put on your normal clothes and ran through the lobby and out the front doors, only to bump into someone.

"S-sorry! I'm in a bit of a rush!" You said apologetically before looking up at the person you bumped into.

"I couldn't imagine why." Your eyes widened as your boyfriend stood there with a smile on his face.

"GAARA!" You shouted as you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck. He was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and spin you around.

"I left Suna a little early so I could speak with Lord Sixth before you got out of work." He smiled before kissing you on the forehead. It was sweet but it wasn't enough for you. You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him towards you, connecting your lips with his. It was brief but he still kissed you back with passion.

"I've missed you, I love our letters but nothing is better than being with you." You say as you break from the hug. He takes your hand in his and you both begin walking the streets of Konoha.

"I have missed you too. I was wondering if you were hungry? I'm sure you've been working pretty hard." He asked, looking at you curiously.

"Yes, but I figured that I'd cook for you instead." You say, causing his eyes to widen and a blush to form on his cheeks.

"You'd do that for me? Even after working?" He asked in a slightly sad voice.

"Of course! Plus, I didn't have that many patients today so I didn't tire myself out." You smiled at him and he returned it with a loving gaze. You two quickly made your way to your apartment, where you entered the kitchen and Gaara followed you closely behind.

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