Itachi~Fuck Me in a Genjutsu

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(Includes praising and edging)

"Itachiiii!" You whined to your boyfriend as you stopped to sleep for the night. You both had been traveling for days and you were set to meet up with Kisame the next day. Needless to say you were both feeling very sexually frustrated because you never had the time, nor place, to satisfy yourselves.

"Y/n. You know we have to keep our guard up. As much as I'd like to, we can't. We become too vulnerable in that state." You pouted, knowing that he was right. You sighed as you both entered the inn, using genjutsu to disguise yourselves.

"I know what you're thinking, Y/n." He broke the silence as you both walked into the room with a singular bed.

"I know. Let me at least fantasize, Tachi." You said bitterly. He sighed before turning to face you. He cupped your cheek before pinching it, like he always does before apologizing.

"I'm sorry, Y/n. We've been traveling for far too long and we need to rest. We need to leave first thing in the morning to meet up with Kisame." You pouted but nodded anyway.

You were about to head to the bathroom to change when you came up with the fantastic idea of teasing him. You kept your face as neutral as you could and you began to change as if he wasn't even there.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Itachi asked you as you wriggled out of your pants.

"Changing? Why? Am I not allowed to get into my pajamas?" You ask in a semi-sarcastic tone.

"You are. I am just wondering why you are changing in front of me." He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Because you're my boyfriend. Itachi, we've literally seen each other naked." You said as you searched your bag for your shorts. You smirked to yourself because you wore your (favorite color) lace underwear today.

"I know that! Y/n, I know you are trying to tease me for-"

"Damn fucking right I am." You say, standing up with your shorts and one of Itachi's shirts in hand. Itachi was slightly surprised by your sudden outburst.

"If you won't touch me, I'll just show you what you're missing~" You said before pulling your top off and unhooking your bra. You let it fall to the floor before putting on Itachi's shirt. Itachi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. You could tell you were starting to wear him down. As you started putting on your shorts, Itachi started to take off his shirt.

"I see the game that you're trying to play. Just know that I'm better at it." He said, pulling his pants down, leaving him in his boxers. You cursed yourself for forgetting that was how he slept when you stayed at an inn. Usually, he had clothes that he wore in case an enemy found us and he needed to fight. But here? Here he could sleep in nothing if he wanted to. He saw the angry pout on your face and smirked.

"Y/n, I know that it's been a while, but we've been-"

"Busy. I know. We're always busy now because Pain wants us to track those stupid tailed beasts. We used to have so much time to ourselves.." You say, trailing your fingers along his chest. He takes in a slow breath as you trace your fingertips over the contours of his torso.

"Y/n.." He says, staring at you intensely.

"Yes, Itachi?" You said innocently before bringing your hands up slowly towards his neck, your thumbs pressing into his hot skin.

"We don't have the time." He said in a dark tone. However, his tone only turned you on more.

"Time?" You asked, starting to think of a way around this cock block.

"Yes, Y/n. We don't have the time." He said in a slightly irritated voice. You looked into his eyes and smirked, finally coming up with an idea. You pull him towards you, stopping where your lips were right next to his ear.

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