final author's note

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Hello, it's Kai!

Some of you guys might be wondering why I'm updating this story so late and I figured I'd answer some of the questions that I've gotten over the time that I've been gone.

Will you be updating?

The short answer is no.


I will not be updating this story and I will not be taking any more character requests. I've had my requests closed for a while now, but people have reached out to me through messages and even in the comments, asking me to add a one shot for a specific character.

Now, I'm super grateful for everyone's love and support on this story and the various parts, don't get me wrong, it's just sort of demeaning and discouraging to constantly see "UPDATE!" or "will you write x character?" or even "I asked over on this website and I've been waiting for a response. I really want this."

I'm glad you like my work! I write because I enjoy it. It doesn't pay my bills (unfortunately) so I don't prioritize it. Sometimes I feel like some readers forget that creators are just regular people. We have our own insecurities and anxieties among other things. We have jobs and some of us even have children. This isn't targeted at any readers specifically, this has just been on my mind for quite some time now and I needed to address it.

Another few things that I've been meaning to sort of touch on- It's perfectly okay if you don't like a kink. You don't have to like said kink. But do you really have to comment "EWWW" in all caps? (I'm referring to the Deidara one shot where the reader spits in his mouth.) I personally am not into spitting, but I think it's hot in fiction. The man literally has four mouths, you can't expect there to be no spit involved at all lol. Not to mention, when you kiss with tongue, you're swapping saliva anyway soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

If you want something written, look into commissioning writers! There are lots of writers (and artists) out there that take commissions and they'd be HAPPY to fill out your request! If you don't have the money to commission someone, I highly recommend trying to write(or draw) it yourself! /genuine. I first started writing because I had so many ideas, but I couldn't find any fics with what I was looking for.

Do you still write?

I do! I just tend to write on twitter and AO3 (same username!) I do not write for the Naruto fandom anymore, but I do still enjoy consuming Naruto content occasionally. I write for the Haikyuu fandom! I don't write x reader one shots anymore, but I write for ships!

If you follow me, you might have noticed that I've published a few Haikyuu stories! I'm just testing something out! Since I publish on AO3 now, I wanted to try cross-posting to see if I can expand my reach over here. If you enjoy my Haikyuu works, I highly suggest following my twitter and subscribing to my AO3 because I'm not sure if I'll be cross-posting everything!

Even though I write for another fandom now, that doesn't mean that I'll be taking requests. I have plenty ideas that I'm working on and I unfortunately just don't have the time to take on anything else.

Thank you!

Thank you all for supporting me and enjoying my work! My Naruto Lemons will always hold a special place in my heart because it was pretty much where I got my start. My writing has developed so much over the past few years and I've grown out of using flowery language when referring to genitalia lol.

I cringe a bit when I look back, but I can't bring myself to delete them because they represent my growth and that's something that I need to remember.

I'm constantly feeling impostor syndrome when it comes to my writing. I oftentimes wonder why anyone would want to read my work and what makes my work in particular stand out, but seeing my old work thrive in other environments makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. It's almost like when you have your height measured as a kid and you feel like you're not growing, but then suddenly you measure yourself again a little while later and your mark is higher than it was before.

There is progress. :)

Thank you all for reading this message, I'm sorry if it upsets you, but I'm moving onto other things. Who knows, I might publish another (sfw) Naruto fic in the future. :)

With love, 

Kai <3

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