Sai x Naruto x Reader~Love Me Too

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hello! nobody requested this but i don't see enough SaiNaru ships so i figured i'd try my hand at it!


It wasn't always easy being in a polyamorous relationship. A lot of people didn't understand it but what made it difficult was when your two lovers got jealous of each other. Your boyfriends, Naruto and Sai, were constantly bickering. Naruto didn't like how Sai expressed his emotions to you.

"Why don't you tell her how much you love her?! She deserves to be showered with compliments!" Naruto yelled at Sai, who was snuggled into your lap while you played with his hair. He slowly sat up and turned his attention to your blonde boyfriend.

"Because she knows how much I love her without the need for me to express it often. She knows how she makes me feel and I know how I make her feel." He states calmly. He was patient with Naruto and though Naruto didn't want to admit it, it was something he admired about Sai.

"Well, I think you should try to express yourself a little better. You've learned about emotions, you should be able to talk about them!" Naruto was starting to get a little upset with Sai.

"I think you should stop using your emotions to overcompensate for your di-"

"ENOUGH!" You yell, catching the attention of your lovers. They both looked at you with wide eyes as you stood up.

"You both obviously have some things you need to work out, I can tell that it's causing you both stress. I'm gonna hop in the shower, please come to some sort of agreement before I get out." You tell them before walking into your bedroom to get into the shower.

"Our bickering made her upset again.." Naruto pouted. Sai's shoulders slumped and he nodded.

"I- I guess I wanted to see you showing her the same kind of affection that I show her.. And I guess I kind of hoped you would start showing more affection towards me too.." Naruto twiddled his thumbs and watched the floor. Sai seemed to nod in understanding before standing up and walking towards the shorter boy.

"I think I understand. You want me to show you more affection but you're asking for it in an indirect way. Naruto, you know you have to be more blunt with me. I don't pick up on context clues or whatever you want to call them. It's easier for me to read a book than it is to read a situation. You have to say the words. You have to perform the actions-" Said was cut off by Naruto crashing his lips into his. He kissed Sai with hunger and intensity before pulling away and staring into Sai's eyes.

"I want you to show me more affection. I want you to be emotionally present. It's okay if Y/n likes how you show her your love and appreciation but I get a bit insecure sometimes. I don't need much but I just want you to hold me sometimes too." Sai was surprised by the blonde's actions and words and he suddenly felt something in his chest ignite. He reached out and grabbed Naruto by the back of the neck and pulled him into a kiss. Naruto melted into the kiss and put his hands in Sai's hair. Sai bent down slightly and picked him up, wrapping his legs around his waist. They never broke the kiss as Sai walked the two of them to the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him. Sai dropped Naruto onto your shared king sized bed and trailed kisses down his jaw to his neck. You stepped out of the bathroom, wearing your robe, to catch your boyfriends engaged in a heavy makeout session. Your eyes widened with shock but you immediately felt aroused.

"Hope I'm not interrupting~" You smirked as you walked over to the bed where Naruto was blushing heavily.

"Of course not, baby. In fact, Naruto here was just telling me about how he wanted me to show him more affection so I figured I would do so. I know you just showered, but I think that he would feel really loved if we both touched him." Sai smiled and you smiled in response. Naruto was a blushing mess under Sai and you thought he looked absolutely beautiful. You climbed onto the bed and Sai scooted over to the other side of Naruto. You lowered yourself and planted your lips to his. His lips moved with yours excitedly as Sai kissed and nipped at his neck, causing him to moan into your mouth. You sat up and pulled Naruto up with you. You started to take off his shirt and kiss his chest.

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