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You were snuggling on the couch with Sai when he suddenly turned his face to you. You looked up at him curiously and he smiled.

"You're beautiful." You blushed at the sudden compliment and looked away. He lightly grabbed your chin and brought your face back to look at his.

"Please don't turn away, I like to see you blush." You blushed harder as he admired you closely.

"Sai.. You're so sweet to me." You spoke quietly as he caressed your cheek.

"Well I'm only being truthful. You are beautiful. You have helped me understand complex emotions and even though I get some things mixed up, you don't get mad at me for misunderstanding. You are patient with me and I've learned a lot from you. I love you, Y/n." He's told you before that he loves you and he's always meant it, but there was something in his voice today that made your heart beat faster.

"I love you too, Sai." You said before leaning in to kiss him. He didn't understand kissing at first but he really enjoyed it. He liked the way it made him feel; his heart beat faster and his dopamine levels were raised. He could kiss you forever.

His hands went to your waist and he pulled you onto his lap. It wasn't uncommon for him to do this, he liked it because it brought you closer to him, but you felt as if the energy was different today. You couldn't tell if it was just you or if he felt it too.

He brushed his tongue along your bottom lip and you parted your lips for him to enter. He skillfully moved his tongue around yours before exploring every part of your mouth. You brought your hands to his hair and lightly tugged, causing him to let out an audible breath. It was low and it set your chest on fire. You pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath and you remembered the position you were in. You blushed furiously as you thought of his moan when you lightly pulled his hair and you felt your heart flutter.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Sai asked with tinted cheeks. You smiled and nodded, loving the effects you had on him.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It just feels like things are a little heated right now.." You said bashfully. Sai cocked his head slightly.

"Heated? Are you warm? Is it because we're kissing?" He asked, feeling your forehead. You chuckled slightly.

"Not that kind of heated, Sai.. It is from the kissing, but what I mean is.. I feel like things have gotten a little intense between us. Don't you feel like something is different?" You asked. Sai thought about what you said for a moment then nodded.

"Yeah, I have the urge to be closer to you." He said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close. He rested his head on your shoulder and sighed.

"But I want to kiss you as well. I don't know- wait." He lifted his head up to look at you. He had a serious look on his face and you were curious as to why he had suddenly perked up.

"I read about this in a book a while ago but I didn't quite understand." Your bush intensified at the thought of him thinking about sex. You weren't opposed to the idea but even though he had a great grasp on emotions and can even go about his day as a normal person, he still mixed things up occasionally and you wanted him to be the one to initiate.

"It said that when you've been with someone for a while, you'll start to feel even more attracted to them. It said that you'll want to be closer to them and when you kiss them, things will feel more intense. I think that describes me right now." You heart skipped a beat at his words but you needed to know for sure that he understood what he was implying.

"Sai.. before you say anything else, I just wanted to make sure that you understand what we're talking about." You started. He nodded, urging you to continue.

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